Föstudaginn 22. mars kl. 13.00 mun Jóhannes Dagsson halda opinn fyrirlestur um verkefni sín og vinnuaðferðir í fyrirlestrarsal Listaháskólans að Laugarnesvegi 91.

In his research Jóhannes focuses on the relationship between different components of what is often categorized as a creative act or creative action and the context these take part in. The concept of creativity, in relation to knowledge, intentions, and perception makes up a big part of his field of interests.
In the paper, Listening while Moving Jóhannes invites the audience on a metaphorical road trip through a landscape containing concepts like intentions, luck, chance, symbol, meaning, repetition and knowledge. In the paper he makes use of narrative and poetic gestures in an attempt to get closer to an understanding of these concepts and the actual experienced things or phenomena they are supposed to represent. There is no fixed outcome in the form of a conclusion, but rather the paper is an attempt at map making and thereby opening access to familiar topics using new paths.
Listening while Moving was made possible by a research leave at the Icelandic University of the Arts in the fall term of 2018. In the talk Jóhannes will outline the more comprehensive project he is developing and situate the talk within that context.

Jóhannes Dagsson er heimspekingur og myndlistarmaður. Hann lauk doktorsprófi í heimspeki frá University of Calgary árið 2012. Rannsóknarsvið Jóhannesar liggur á mörkum hugspeki, málspeki og fagurfræði. Í rannsóknum sínum fæst hann við spurningar um merkingu og skynjun í samhengi listaverksins. Þessar rannsóknir nýtir Jóhannes í kennslu, fræðilegri útgáfu og í myndlist sinni. Jóhannes er lektor og fagstjóri fræðigreina við Myndlistardeild Listaháskóla Íslands.

Opnir fyrirlestrar í Laugarnesi fara fram á vorönn 2019 á vegum listkennsludeildar, myndlistardeildar og sviðslistadeildar.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og eru allir velkomnir.