Föstudaginn 19. október kl. 13.00 mun Fanni Niemi-Junkola halda opinn fyrirlestur um verk sín og vinnuaðferðir í fyrirlestrarsal Listaháskólans að Laugarnesvegi 91.

Body – Pulse – Presence – Power - Spatial narratives.

The starting point for Niemi-Junkola’s artistic work is both visual and political. The political in her work means criticality within everyday life. She explores power relations in social communication. She is interested in the borderline between private and public space. Recently she has been exploring the notion of nature experiences and the connection between humans and animals. Fanny works as an artist, teacher and a horse masseur & cranio-sacral therapist. These aspects interweave in her artistic work which is based on empirical experiences. The private transforms itself into a shared question through artistic work process and thus becomes part of the public discourse and space. 

In her practice she deals with the position of the viewer in moving image installations which she sees as sculptures. The bodily experience is especially intriguing to her, even debatable within emerging media technologies like XR and 360.

Opnir fyrirlestrar í Laugarnesi fara fram á haustmisseri 2018 á vegum listkennsludeildar, myndlistardeildar og sviðslistadeildar.

Fanni Niemi-Junkola (f. 1962) hlaut MFA gráðu frá Listaháskólanum í Glasgow. Hún hefur verið virk í sýningarhaldi frá árinu 1995. Videó innsetningar hennar og stuttmyndir hafa verið sýndar víðsvegar í Finnlandi og alþjóðlega. Áður gegndi hún stöðu prófessors við Listaháskólann í Helsinki en gegnir stöðu lektors í myndlist við Háskólann í Tampere.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og eru allir velkomnir.