Psychometric Instruments & Site Specific Composition
Málstofa tónsmíða
7.október kl.12:45 í Dynjanda
Gestur // Maria W. Horn

Föstudaginn 7.október fer fyrsta málstofa haustannar fram í tónlistardeild. Gestur okkar að þessu sinni er tónskáldið Maria W. Horn og mun fjalla um eigin tónsmíðaaðferðir. Þá mun hún koma inn á sálræna hugmyndafræði hlustunar og möguleikan á að skynja rými og sögu þess ef hlustað er af gaumgæfni.


Maria W. Horn

Psychometry is the 19th century idea that events and emotions can create an inherent memory in a building, object or instrument. For over a decade, Maria W Horn has explored inherent memories and mythologies of rooms, objects and instruments, as well as geographic areas and the people that have inhabited them, through her music.
Her debut album Kontrapoetik came into being after finding a Super-8 film depicting the early industrial history of her home region Västernorrland, located in the north of Sweden, in the archive of a local museum.

Maria has used the sonic characteristics of specific rooms as a starting point for writing several compositions. Dies Irae (2021) derives from the resonant frequencies of an empty machine hall and Vita Duvans Lament (2020) is a sonic excavation of what used to be Sweden's only panoptic cell prison.