Málstofa RÍT // Icelandic Legacies of Land, Word, and Song
Miðvikudaginn 30.nóvember kl.15:00 í Dynjanda

Mark Petty og Dr. Cayla Rosché eru bandarískt fræða- og tónlistarfólk. Síðustu ár hafa þau verið að rannsaka ólíka þætti í íslenskri söngtónlist. Þau munu ræða um hvað varð til þess að þau hófu þessar rannsóknir og hver staða þeirra er í dag. Málstofan fer fram í pallborði þar sem þau spjalla saman við Þorbjörgu Daphne Hall, dósent í tónlistarfræðum við LHÍ.

RíT styður við rannsóknarverkefni deildarinnar og skapar vettvang til miðlunar. Stofan leggur áherslu á fjölbreyttar aðferðir á rannsóknum, nýsköpun og þverfagleika. RíT stendur fyrir ráðstefnum, málþingum, mál- og vinnustofum í samstarfi við margvíslegar stofnanir, hópa og einstaklinga innanlands og utan.  

Nánari lýsing á málstofunni er hér að neðan. Málstofan fer fram á ensku.

Öll velkomin!


Icelandic Legacies of Land, Word, and Song

Mark Petty and Dr. Cayla Rosché are American scholars and musicians researching various aspects of Icelandic vocal repertoire. Mark is exploring the connections between Icelandic choir music and nature, specifically how we express our relationship to the natural world through song and how music can help foster environmental stewardship.  He fuses his experience as both mountain guide and choir conductor for a dialog on the intersection of nature and art.   Cayla Rosché is a Fulbright Arctic Scholar teaching phonetics and voice at Listaháskóli this semester. She wrote a handbook on Icelandic singing phonetics that English reading singers can use to begin singing in Icelandic. Recently her interest has been drawn to Iceland’s Nobel Prize winning author Halldór Kiljan Laxness and the vocal repertoire composed utilizing his text. During this seminar Mark and Cayla will present on the impetus for their research and where it is now. This will be a round table discussion where questions and ideas are more than welcome. Þorbjörg Daphne Hall will be moderating this discussion. 

Soprano and musicologist, Cayla Rosché earned a DMA from UW-Madison in Voice Performance and Vocal Pedagogy. She is currently a Fulbright Scholar teaching phonetics and continuing her research on Icelandic art song at Listaháskoli in Reykjavík. She recently presented a recital in Reykjavík of American and Icelandic Art Songs. To continue her research, she was awarded the Foreign Language Area Studies fellowship and a grant from The American-Scandinavian Foundation to lecture, teach, and research in Reykjavík, Iceland. In May of 2021 Dr. Rosché presented lectures on Icelandic Art Song and Lyric Diction at the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies conference and the Sam Houston Art Song Festival. Cayla is also the voice professor at Edgewood College and Rosché Music Studio, and an active singer in Madison, Wisconsin.

Mark Petty is a guest professor at Listaháskóli Íslands while finishing a D.M.A. in Choral Conducting at the University of Washington.  Mark nourished a love for music and the mountains while growing up in Boulder, Colorado, and has spent his life exploring the intersection between nature and the arts.  As the music teacher and adventure coordinator at an Expeditionary Learning school, he pioneered curriculum integrating music and the local environment, helping students connect to culture and the natural world through music exploration.  When not directing music, Mark enjoys leading mountaineering leadership expeditions throughout the Western United States.