Mark Dion
Hádegisfyrirlestur í myndlistardeild 21.10.22 kl.13:00
fyrirlestrarsalur 193, Laugarnesvegur 91

Í fyrirlestrinum fer Mark Dion yfir feril sinn sem spannar meira en 30 ár. Í verkum sínum hefur Mark kannað hvernig ráðandi hugmyndafræði þeirra stofnanna sem móta skilning okkar og þekkingu á sögunni og heimi náttúrunnar.
Fyrirlesturinn er í tengslunm við þátttöku Mark Dion í málþinginu Vísitasíur: Listir, umboð og inngilding sem fer fram í Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsi og er lokahnykkurinn á listrannsóknarverkefni Bryndísar Snæbjörnsdóttur & Mark Wilson, Ísbirnir á villigötum.


Mark Dion

The job of the artist, he says, is to go against the grain of dominant culture, to challenge perception and convention. Appropriating archaeological, field ecology and other scientific methods of collecting, ordering, and exhibiting objects, Dion creates works that question the distinctions between ‘objective’ (‘rational’) scientific methods and ‘subjective’ (‘irrational’) influences.
Dion also frequently collaborates with museums of natural history, aquariums, zoos and other institutions mandated to produce public knowledge on the topic of nature. By locating the roots of environmental politics and public policy in the construction of knowledge about nature, Mark Dion questions the objectivity and authoritative role of the scientific voice in contemporary society, tracking how pseudo-science, social agendas and ideology creep into public discourse and knowledge production.