Einkasýning Sabine Fischer opnar laugardaginn 18. janúar kl. 17:00 – 19:00 í RÝMD, Völvufelli 13-21. Sýningin er í röð einkasýninga MA útskriftarnema við meistaranám myndlistardeildar Listaháskóla Íslands.

Opnunartími: 19., 21., 22. og 23. janúar kl. 17:00 - 19:00.

Space - The Final Frontier


When we use the drain, things get out of sight. It flows into a dark hole. The material stays what it is, it`s just in a different place. There it changes over time through a chemical process. What it once was we forget maybe right away. Because we have no feelings attached to it.

When we experience things they sink into our bodies and remain there as memories. Memories linger in the body and in cells in a specific way, through synaptic connections and other chemical and physical mechanisms.
Our body does not forget because we peer feelings with the events. The important thing is what do we do with the memories? Memory is memory - but the emotions around the memory must be transformed.

I collected silent moments from films that remain memories in me. I composed these pieces into a lingering ambience. I imagine that this is the sound of memories lingering in my body.

Sabine A. Fischer (born 1979, Frankfurt (Oder), East-Germany). B.A. in Modern History/Journalism, University of Karlsruhe, Diploma in Fine Art, Acadamy of Fine Arts Leipzig, Postgraduate study, title „Meisterschülerin“ in Fine Arts, Department of Media Art, Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig, Germany

I use several types of elements as narrative moments to create a context that has the potential to be a new kind of meaning. I let myself be inspired by situations, questions, spaces, literature, philosophy and nature. I am interested in the contradictions that man elevates to representations, but which are simply the foundation of nature.

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