Katrina Jane Perry opnar einkasýninguna Tangent í Kubbnum, 2. hæð Listaháskólans á Laugarnesvegi 91, föstudaginn 16. mars kl. 16:00. Er þetta sjötta opnun meistaranema í myndlist á vormisseri innan sýningarraðarinnar Kveikjuþræðir.

To read, one feels; what is felt gives way to vision. “There is great comfort in the immediacy of sight” – words spoken to me from a voice of blindness. How do we see language; a lexicon of words, which inform sight? My method of chromatic transcription observes the relationships between visual and verbal linguistic possibility, conversational tangents, intersections of perception, and communication within word forms as sculptural geometries.

This system of writing, created out of a desire to communicate with my schizophrenic father, enables an exchange of dialogue within the vulnerability of word definition. My language asks if a morphology as representation can make meaning, allow access to someone or something beyond a traditional construct. My work addresses these questions of accessibility within the limitations of language; a systematic organization of color and line enable me to speak freely – to give a visual voice to feeling when words betray vision.

Meistaranemar á fyrra ári í myndlist við Listaháskóla Íslands halda röð samsýninga á vorönn 2017. Sýningarnar eru af ólíkum toga en eiga það sammerkt að vera eins konar kveikjuþræðir og nánari útfærslur af hugmyndum og vinnuferli nemenda fram til þessa

Katrina Jane Perry (Texas, USA) is a first year MA Fine Arts candidate at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. Perry’s work is interested in linguistic and geophysical topographies in relation to morphology and meaning. Dualities in Nature and the human condition encourage her investigations into points of access within themes of communication, vulnerability and isolation.

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