Sviðslistadeild í samvinnu við Every Body´s Spectacular sviðslistahátíðina bjóða upp á málþing í Laugarnesinu dagana 14. - 16.11.2018.

Fyrirlestrar, örnámskeið eru meðal þess sem við bjóðum upp á. Við hefjum alla morgnanna á hafragraut og kaffi í boði deildarinnar í mötuneytinu. 


Snertiflötur við meistaranám í hönnun og sviðslistum: Assemble Studio

Assemble Studio (Fran Edgerly and Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome)

Following a week-long lab working with the MFA Performing Arts and MA Design programmes at IUA, this talk opens up a space for Fran Edgerly and Fernanda Muñoz-Newsome to discuss and reflect upon their work with the studying artists at IUA within the broader contexts of their own work.


Isabella Gonçalves: attempt #9

attempt #9 - bagassx - Isabella Gonçalves

this is an attempt to learn how to die.
an invitation to waste time together.

attempt#9 - bagassx is the latest in a series of attempts, developed over the course of the MFA Performing Arts 2017/18 cycle at the Iceland University of the Arts. 
Each of the nine attempts have been a part of a continuous effort to put an end to the idea of the individual. Together, a series of actions that each work to dislodge the self and dismantle identities.

Please notice not suitable for children under the age of 16. 

Rebecca Scott Lord: Comedy is a Safe Space & Dj. Daddy Issues

Comedy is a Safe Space - Rebecca Scott Lord

If you missed the wildly successful premiere and it’s equally astounding follow up this past summer, do not miss our third and final showing of Comedy is a Safe Space. We’re just 3 funny girls, here to tell some jokes.

Not suitable for children under the age of 14.

The bar will be open.

Developed by Rebecca Scott Lord, Salvör Gullbrá Þórarinsdóttir, and Lóa Björk Björnsdóttir
Photo by Birnir Jón Sigurðsson


August 21

Útskriftarviðburðir meistaranema í sviðslistum haust 2018

Útskriftarsýningar meistaranema í sviðslistum fara fram dagana 21. ágúst - 25. ágúst. 
Frítt er inn á alla viðburðina en panta þarf miða á tix.is til að tryggja sér sæti. Smellið á heiti sýninganna til að komast á vef tix.is 
DJ Daddy Issues & Comedy is a Safe Space (2 aðskilin verk)
Rebecca Scott Lord
22. ágúst
Kl. 21:00

Málstofa/Online // Public talks/Online - Guðrún Geirsdóttir

Gestur okkar að þessu sinni er Guðrún Geirsdóttir, dósent og deildarstjóri Kennslumiðstöðvar HÍ. 

Erindið hennar ber yfirskriftina
Um nemendamiðað nám og eitt og annað fleira.

Fyrirlesturinn verður að þessu sinni á íslensku. 

This weeks Public talk will be in Icelandic. 
Translation for those interested will be available.

"The programme offered me encounters and friction with different minds and matters, challenges and openings, through which I had to confront my own practice, my methods, desires and reasons for making work. I am deeply thankful for the care I experienced on this programme... There seemed to be no limits to how adventurous (lost) one could get in the hunt or research, while still feeling the programme was with you, ears acutely listening and following the possibilities of the work through to the end."
Saga Sigurðardóttir
"I found an incredible support in the several workshops technical staff, it felt as having additional individually specialized mentors, in addition to the two mentors of my personal choice - a magical concoction. Excellent black boxes, with an underground dungeon feel to them, perfect for electronic acoustics, two classmates over the age of fifty and Annie Charland Thibodeau! The MFA in Performing Arts at Listaháskóli Íslands allowed me to change direction, to turn my ship around. More than an institution, it feels like a social sculpture, which allows everyone involved to reach individual peaks, from which to soar from."
Michael Richardt


Útskriftarverk meistaranema í sviðslistum 2017

Sex listamenn eru að ljúka eins árs alþjóðlegu meistaranámi við Listaháskóla Íslands. Hægt verður að kynnast verkum þeirra dagana 15. - 19. ágúst. 

Verk og listamenn: 

Savage Scenes 
Saga Sigurðardóttir
Skugginn & Tunglið, Austurstræti 2a.

Pillow Talk 
Sonja Kovacevic
Tjarnarbíó & Austurvöllur

The necromancy of Socrates
Guðrún Heiður ísaksdóttir
Myndlistardeild LHÍ.