Alþjóðleg friðarráðstefna Höfða friðarseturs
The Imagine Forum: Youth on the Move
10. október kl. 09:30 - 17:30 í Veröld - húsi Vigdísar

Þann 10. október 2018 verður árleg alþjóðleg friðarráðstefna Höfða friðarseturs haldin í þriðja sinn í Veröld - húsi Vigdísar.


Komdu og taktu þátt í umræðunni um stöðu flóttafólks í heiminum í dag. Lögð verður áhersla á mikilvægt hlutverk ungs flóttafólks, frumkvöðla og aðgerðarsinna í að stuðla að jákvæðum breytingum.

Vinningsteymi Snjallræðis 2018 kynnt til leiks! Listaháskóli Íslands er einn af bakhjörlum Snjallræðis 2018.


Á meðal fyrirlesara eru: JJ Bola, talsmaður UNHCR og ljóðaslammari, Sophia Mahfooz, framkvæmdastjóri SVIP, Nazanin Askari, femínisti og aðgerðarsinni, Kathy Gong, frumkvöðull og framkvæmdastjóri og meðstofnandi Wafa Games, Adam Elsod, stjórnarformaður og stofnandi The Young Republic og Harald Quintus-Bosz, kennari við D-Lab í MIT og CTO hjá Cooper Perkins.

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JJ Bola er einn af frummælendum ráðstefnunnar 10. október. JJ er rithöfundur, ljóðaslammari, fyrirlesari og fyrrum flóttamaður frá Austur- Kongó en hann flúði til Bretlands þegar hann var 7 ára. JJ hefur gefið út þrjú ljóðasöfn og fyrsta skáldsaga hans, No Place to Call Home, kom út í Bretlandi árið 2017. Hann var einn af rithöfundum Spread the Word´s árið 2017. JJ hefur komið fram víðsvegar í Bretlandi og erlendis, bæði sem fyrirlesari og ljóðskáld. Hann er talsmaður UNHCR og hefur einnig komið fram á þeirra vegum, meðal annars á World Economic Forum.

Kathy Xiaosi Gong, ein af fremstu frumkvöðlum Kína og meðstofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri Wafa Games, verður með erindi á ráðstefnunni 10. október. Hún var valin ein af 35 fremstu fumkvöðlum heims undir 35 af MIT árið 2017 og varð skákmeistari í Kína aðeins 13 ára gömul. Kathy var í stjórn og ein af stofnendum World Economic Forum Global Shapers Community 2013-2016 og meðstjórnandi APEC Women Leadership Forum 2013 - 2014.

„Integration is a fluid term, it´s being used to push down refugees and concentrate responsibility on the refugees themselves, social inclusion on the contrary emphasises on the notion of rights and holding powerholders accountable“ - Adam Elsod

Adam Elsod mun flytja erindi á ráðstefnunni 10. október. Hann er verðlaunaður aðgerðarsinni, kennari og samfélagslegur frumkvöðull. Adam er stjórnarformaður samtakanna The Young Republic sem vinna við að valdefla ungt flóttafólk í Evrópu, meðlimur ráðgjafaráðs Evrópuráðsins, leiðbeinandi hjá the European Youth Forum og meðstofnandi samtakanna Network for refugee voices. Adam hefur starfað síðustu 10 ár að mismunandi verkefnum sem tengjast lýðræði, mannréttindum og valdeflingu ungs flóttafólks í Mið-Austurlöndum, Norður - Afríku og Evrópu.

„For refugees and immigrants alike, one of the biggest mental barriers is the mentality of scarcity. The rug has been pulled from under you. The advice I would give to them is: use your disadvantage as a launchpad. It´s through that friction and adversity that you will come up with the most creative solutions“ - Sophia Mahfooz

Sophia Mahfooz er ein af fjölmörgum áhugaverðum ræðumönnum á ráðstefnunni 10. október. Sophia flúði til London frá Afganistan með fjölskyldu sinni þegar hún var ung að aldri en flutti seinna til San Fransisco. Þar hefur hún unnið sem framkvæmdastjóri Girls in Tech, sem vinnur að menntun og valdeflingu kvenna. Hún hefur einnig unnið hjá fjölda alþjóðlegra tæknifyrirtækja eins og Facebook, Apple og Cisco, að verkefnum sem miða að því að veita innflytjendum aukin tækifæri á vinnumarkaði. Í núverandi verkefnum sínum nýtir Sophia þekkingu sína á tæknigeiranum, menntun og stefnumótun til að bæta aðstæður fólks sem hefur þurft að flýja heimili sín. Hún rekur SVIP, The Silicone Valley Internship Programme og situr í nefnd í breska þinginu sem vinnur að verkefnum tengdum Afghanistan.

Harald Quintus-Bosz er einn af fyrirlesurum á ráðstefnu Höfða friðarseturs þann 10. október nk. Harald er kennari við D-Lab í MIT, CTO hjá Cooper Perkins og einn af erlendum fyrirlesurum Snjallræðis. Harald hefur komið að fjölmörgum mikilvægum nýsköpunarverkefnum og hefur meðal annars tekið þátt í að þróa nýjungar sem hafa nýst til þess að auðvelda líf fólks í flóttamannabúðum.





Höfði Reykjavik Peace Centre’s International Conference


The Imagine Forum: Youth on the Move


10 October 2018 in Veröld - Vigdís’ House


Borders have a vast impact on young people fleeing arduous situations, seeking new opportunities and respect for their rights. They are forced to flee, exposing them to sexual and gender based violence, abduction, exploitation, forced recruitment, detention, hunger and death.


Despite their difficult situation displaced young people can and should play an important and positive role in shaping their future and establishing sustainable peace worldwide. Technological advancements have brought forth opportunities to empower, educate and train young displaced people. The main objective of the dialogue taking place in Reykjavík on 10/10 will be shedding a light on this highly important role of young displaced persons and the valuable contribution of entrepreneurs and activists in creating positive change will be one of the main objectives of the dialogue taking place in Reykjavík on 10/10 2018.


Winning teams of Startup Social 2018 introduced!


Keynote address by JJ Bola, UNHCR High Profile Supporter, writer and slam poet.


Amongst other speakers are Sophia Mahfooz, CEO of SVIP, Kathy Gong, serial entrepreneur, CEO and co-founder of Wafa Games, Adam Elsod, Co-founder & Chairman of The Young Republic and Harald Quintus-Bosz, Lecturer at D-Lab, MIT and CTO of Cooper Perkins.

JJ Bola is a writer, slam poet, educator and former refugee from DRC who was brought up in London from the age of 7. JJ has published three collections of poetry and his debut novel, No

Place to Call Home, was published in the UK in 2017. He was one of Spread the Word's Flight Associates 2017. JJ reads, speaks, workshops and performs all over the UK and has made international appearances. He joined UNHCR at the World Economic Forum in Davos in 2018 to take part in a Facebook Live with Cate Blanchett and Iraqi refugee, Aya Abdullah.


Kathy Gong became a chess master at 13, and four years later she boarded a plane with a one-way ticket to New York City to attend Columbia University. She knew little English at the time but learned as she studied, and after graduation she returned to China, where she soon became a standout among a rising class of fearless young technology entrepreneurs. Gong has launched a series of companies in different industries. One is, a machine-learning company that created both a robotic divorce lawyer called Lily and a robotic visa and immigration lawyer called Mike. Now Gong and her team have founded a new company called Wafa Games that’s aiming to test the Middle East market, which Gong says most other game companies are ignoring.


Sophia Mahfooz is a former refugee from Afghanistan who has been living in San Francisco since 2015 where she served as COO of Girls in Tech and has worked with dozens of global technology firms around the world on diversity and inclusion initiatives, including Facebook, Apple, Cisco, and many others. Sophia’s current projects aim to use her expertise in technology, education and policy to improve conditions for people displaced by war. She runs the SVIP–a non-profit organization working to provide graduating engineering students from around the world access to the unique experience of working with high-tech companies in Silicon Valley and serves on a committee in the UK Parliament working on initiatives in Afghanistan.



Adam Elsod is an award-winning activist, educator and social entrepreneur. He is a member of the advisory council of the Council of Europe and the pool of trainers of the European Youth Forum, with an educational background in management, sociology, global politics, community organizing, and he is completing a masters in adult education and global change. Adam has been working for the last 10 years for democracy, human rights, youth empowerment, social inclusion and refugees in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe in different capacities. Adam is a co-founder and chairman of The Young Republic. He is also a cofounder of the Network for Refugee Voices. His work has been covered by several media channels like: BBC, the Swedish Radio, NewsWeek, the Atlantic, and Alarabyia.


Harald Quintus-Bosz spent six years instructing and organizing at the International Development Design Summit, before joining D-Lab at MIT as an instructor of the D-Lab: Design for Scale course. Harald’s 22 years of private-sector product design experience, in combination with design for the developing world experience deepens D-Lab's portfolio of class offerings. In addition to his responsibilities at D-Lab, he is the CTO of Cooper Perkins, a technology development consulting firm. After earning an SB degree from MIT and an SM in

Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University, Harald worked at XRE, Matech, and IDEO before co-founding Cooper Perkins in 2002.


Further information and registration to the conference can soon be found at Höfði Reykjavik Peace Centre’s website:


Further information