Hildur Bjarnadóttir, dósent við myndlistardeild Listaháskóla Íslands, mun verja doktorverkefni sitt í myndlist við Háskólann í Bergen, Noregi. Vörnin fer fram þann 1. febrúar og heitir rannsóknarverkefnið hennar Textiles in the Extended Field of Painting.

Um verkefni Hildar:

Textiles in the extended field of painting

Reconstructing the painter’s canvas both conceptually and literally through weaving
Using plants as a source of pigment in connection to a place or a person

The artistic research project Textiles in the extended field of painting uses the methods of textiles and painting to explore the meaning of two different colorants, acrylic paint and plant pigment. Hildur Bjarnadóttir weaves together these two different types of pigment, creating a dialogue between an industrially made color system and a natural system of color. Using these two different substances together in woven paintings expands their presence and sharpens their characteristics creating a situation where they exist on an equal basis. Hildur uses the colorants as a medium, emphasizing the context and content they bring with them.

Hildur Bjarnadóttir (1969) býr og starfar í Reykjavík og í Flóahreppi. Hún lauk námi frá textíldeild Myndlista- og handíðaskóla Íslands árið 1992 og útskrifaðist árið 1997 með MFA próf frá nýlistadeild Pratt Institute í Brooklyn, New York.

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