Fiðlumasterklass föstudaginn 18. nóvember í Sölvhóli

Leiðbeinandi er fiðluleikarinn Emmanuel Borowsky

Við píanóið: Richard Simm

Fram koma:

Elísa Elíasdóttir: Fauré sónata nr.1  2.þáttur

Sólrún Ylfa Ingimarsdóttir: Mozart konsert í A-dúr 1. Þáttur

Inger-Maren Fjeldheim: Bruch fiðlukonsert 1.þáttur

Júnía Jónsdóttir: Saint-Saens Havanaise

Herdís Mjöll Guðmundsdóttir: Mendelssohn fiðlukonsert 3.þáttur


Violinist Emmanuel Borowsky has toured 35 countries in North America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. As one critic wrote: “He brought forth a celebration of fire and temperament, as well as immense sensitivity, wonderfully flowing chants and a pliant tone. He is a remarkable talent.” Borowsky has performed as soloist with orchestras across the globe and has also released five CDs, including one with a collection of original compositions. He teaches violin and chamber music at the Intermuse International Music Institute and Festival USA and also teaches privately in Baltimore. Mr. Borowsky holds degrees from the Icelandic Academy of the Arts and Indiana University. He is currently completing a Doctorate of Musical Arts at the The University of Maryland. His teachers have included Dorothy DeLay, Roman Totenberg, Gudny Gudmundsdottir and James Stern. In his spare time, he spends his time on the family farm, shearing sheep, tending the vineyards, and practicing his virtuosic juggling skills.


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