Alice Nadjarian og Sebastian Kraner opna næsta sýningarverkefni meistaranema í myndlist á vormisseri innan sýningaraðarinnar Kveikjuþræðir / SparkPlugs. Sýningin opnar föstudaginn 8. apríl kl. 16 í Kubbnum, sýningarsal myndlistardeildar Listaháskóla Íslands, Laugarnesvegi 91.

SKYNJUN / PERCEPTION er afrakstur á samvinnu meistaranema Alice Nadjarian og Sebastian Kraner, í samvinnu við meistaranámsbraut Háskóla Íslands í listfræði. Hægt er að lesa nánar um sýninguna á ensku hér neðar.

Frekari upplýsingar um Kveikjuþræði á heimasíðu skólans má finna hér.

Frekari upplýsingar um Kveikjuþræði á facebook síðu viðburðarins má finna hér.




The next opening in the Sparkplugs exhibition series of the MA fine art programme this spring semester of 2016 will be Friday April 8th, at 4 - 6 pm in Kubbur, exhibition space at the premises of the department of Fine Art, Laugarnesvegur 91. 

Skynjun is a dialogue composed through the exchange of ideas which become turned into new entities by two independent artists. The artworks are parts in a series of transformations, which unite into an uninterrupted flow of collaboration.

To serve their inception and inspiration for the show the artists’ have chosen a stranded rock named Skarfaklettur (e.Cormorant rock). Formerly a skerry, today the stony landmark is located close to the shoreline in Skarfagarður. Between 0,8 and 2,6 million years old, Skarfaklettur is an impressive yet a secluded sight discovered only by those who happen to pass by it. Drawn to the rock’s solitude, Kraner and Nadjarian construct their personal yet harmonious perceptions of the location through different mediums.


Alice Nadjarian
The twenty-four year old painter studying in the National School of Fine Arts in Paris has travelled around the world pursuing the great and sublime in nature. Nadjarian is not only interested in discovering ravishing landscapes, but is inspired by the structures present in them as opposed to ones in citified environments through painting. Escaping urban clusters is an important part of the working process as her artistic research focuses on the emotions awaked by rural landscapes.


Sebastian Kraner
Born in 1990, lives and works in Vienna. Kraner is currently studying in two MA-programmes at the University of Applied Artin Vienna: In Fine Arts he is interested in the creation of sensation-spaces through ambience, film, sound and music. In Social Design he aims to connect different ways of thinking and practice to develop new methods to overcome the immanent powerlessness in current and future developments of a quite twisted world.

The last exhibition in the SPARKPLUGS exhibition series.

Opening Friday 08.04.2016 at 4-6 pm
KUBBURINN, Listaháskoli Íslands / Iceland Academy of the Arts
Laugarnesvegur 91

Then open daily between 3pm and 6pm until 13.04.2016

* event photo by Chloe Kritharas Devienne