(Englis below)

Music of the Holocaust Era.

Virginia Eskin er bæði listamaður og kennari. Hún hefur kennt og haldið fyrirlestra í háskólum víðsvegar um Bandaríkin og Evrópu t.a.m í New England Conservatory, Boston Háskóla, Harvard, Brandeis, Northeastern, Gouchar, University of Alabama, American College of Greece, og Alþjóðlegu stofnuninni í Madrid. Hún tekur regluega þátt í endurmenntunar-námskeiðum,  viðburðum fyrir eldri borgara og öðrum samfélagslega tengdum verkefnum.

Fyrirlestrar hennar höfða til breiðs hóps fólks og þá sérstaklega til eldri borgara sem hafa unun af að læra meira um tónlist. Virginia hefur einnig komið að dagskrárgerð í útvarpi.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og eru allir velkomnir.



Virginia Eskin is both a performer and an educator. She has taught and given lectures at colleges and universities throughout the United States and Europe, including New England Conservatory, Boston University, Brandeis, Harvard, Northeastern, Goucher, University of Alabama, American College of Greece (Athens), and the International Institute (Madrid). She regularly participates in adult education programs, speaks at senior living facilities, and community programs; and has frequently lectured and performed at Elderhostel (now “Road Scholar”) and on several cruises in Europe.

Her lectures appeal to all age groups, and especially to older people who love music and learning. She has given pre-concert lectures for Boston’s Celebrity Series and, for several years, has given a series of lectures at Boston University’s Evergreen Series, where she has a large and devoted following.

Just as she does on her radio programs, Virginia brings added enjoyment to the experience of music by talking about composers (including women composers, a particular Eskin specialty) and their works and demonstrating musical elements that enhance the listening experience.

The Lecture is in english and open to the public.