(english below)
Tónlistarmaðurinn Corey Fogel sem er staddur hér á landi í vegna Iceland Airwaves, býður til stefnumóts fimmtudaginn 3. nóvember  kl. 11:00 -13:00  í LHÍ á Sölvhólsgötu. Corey hvetja til tónlistarflutnings og umræðu sem varðar spuna í listsköpun. Hann mun rekja þráðinn í eigin listsköpun frá formlegri tónlistarmenntun yfir í myndlist. Viðburðurinn er á vegum rannsóknarstofu í tónlist


Corey Fogel (Los Angeles) will engage in a performance and discussion
about improvisational strategies in various artist mediums. He will
trace his own work, from formal musical training to visual art.
Together we will share practical and theoretical approaches to hybrid
forms of expression, investigating the emotional, intellectual,
aesthetic, and possibly spiritual motivations for the creative
process. Other topics may include score-writing, notation,
collaboration, stylization and genrefication, synaesthesia, sexuality,
site-specificity, extended instrumental techniques, situationism,
food, and noise. Open to performers, composers, dancers, artists,
film/video makers, and writers. Attendees are invited to bring musical
instruments, or other forms of communicable media.