Föstudaginn 18. nóvember heldur Dr Simon Desbruslais trompetleikari og tónlistarfræðingur fyrirlestur í föstudagsfyrirlestrarröð tónlistardeildar undir yfirskriftinni Composer-Performer Collaboration: methodological suggestions, ethics and outcomes.

Í fyrirlestrinum er m.a. fjallað um samband milli flytjanda og tónskálds í tónsköpun og í hvaða mæli slík samvinna hafi áhrif á vinnuferlið. Hvernig beri að líta á höfundarétt í slíkum tilfellum, sameiginlegt sköpunarferli og skuldbindingar í aðstæðum sem grundvallast oft á brothættu sambandi trausts, valds og sjálfstæðrar listrænnar vinnu. Fyrirlesturinn byggir Dr Desbruslais á eigin reynslu sem trompetleikara og virkum talsmanni nýrrar tónlistar.

Dr. Simon Desbrusalis  hann stund á nám við King´s College London, Royal College of Music og Christ Church, Oxford og starfar nú við tónlistardeild háskólans í Hull.

Aðgangur er ókeypis og öllum opinn.

There are many possible types of interaction between performer and composer in the creation of a new musical work. However, it is questionable to what degree collaborations can be productive. How may we better understand matters of shared ownership, distributed creativity, time commitment and financial investment, within a relationship that is based on often precarious balances of trust, power and independent activity? This paper draws on my own experiences as trumpet soloist and active commissioner of new music, combined with historical, analytical and methodological perspectives.

Simon Desbruslais is a trumpet soloist and musicologist, who studied at King’s College London, the Royal College of Music and Christ Church, Oxford. He recently became the first British author to publish in the Russian Journal of Music Theory and his 2014 recording of new British trumpet concertos on Signum Classics has been met by universal critical acclaim. He holds the post of Performance Coordinator and Lecturer in Music at the University of Hull.