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UNESCO Symposium on Cultural and Artistic Education

The UNESCO Symposium on Cultural and Artistic Education will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025 in the University of Iceland Hall from 13.00:16.00 PM - XNUMX:XNUMX PM.

The event will be available for streaming here.

The keynote speaker is Ron Davies Alvarez, director of The Dream Orchestra, which is based on the El Sistema methodology.

More information about Ron Davies and The Dream Orchestra can be found here.

The meeting is chaired by Oddur Helgi Ólafsson and Guðmundur Grétar Magnússon.


13.00 – Opening remarks
Logi Már Einarsson, Minister of Culture, Innovation and Higher Education
Ásthildur Lóa Þórsdóttir, Minister of Education and Children's Affairs

13.10 – Why art education?
Maríanna Eva Dúfa Sævarsdóttir, master's student in the Department of Art Education, Iceland Academy of the Arts

13.20 – Presentation of UNESCO's new framework for cultural and artistic education
Áslaug Dóra Eyjólfsdóttir, Ministry of Culture and Trade, Secretary-General of the Icelandic National Committee for UNESCO
Guðni Olgeirsson, Ministry of Education and Children's Affairs, Education Representative in the Icelandic UNESCO Committee

13:35 – Global Framework to Strengthen Culture and Arts Education
ADG Ernesto Ottone, UNESCO Director-General for Culture (video address)

13.45 – Music as a Tool for Social Transformation and Inclusive Education
Keynote speaker Ron Davis Alvarez, a conductor and music teacher based in Sweden and running The Dream Orchestra, which is based on the El Sistema methodology.

14.20 – Light refreshments during the break

14.50 The Art Train 
Kristín Valsdóttir, Associate Professor, Department of Art Education, LHÍ, Vigdís Gunnarsdóttir, Assistant Professor, Department of Art Education, LHÍ and Elfa Lilja Gísladóttir, Project Manager, Art for All

15.10 UNESCO Schools: Education, Sustainability and Peace
Pétur Hjörvar Þorkelsson, Project Manager at the United Nations Association

15.20 Address by the Chairman of the Icelandic Teachers' Union
Magnús Þór Jónsson, Chairman of the Icelandic Teachers' Union

15.30 Closing remarks
Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir, Dean of the School of Education, University of Iceland

15.40 Rhythm and connections in Conakry
Students and teachers at the Icelandic Institute of Technology report on their recent visit to Guinea. Sandra Sano Erlingsdóttir and students

The symposium is being organized by the Icelandic UNESCO Commission, the Ministry of Culture and Trade, the Ministry of Education and Children's Affairs, Art for All, the Department of Art Education at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, the School of Education at the University of Iceland, and the Icelandic Teachers' Union.


UNESCO Symposium on Cultural and Arts Education

The UNESCO symposium on cultural and arts education will be held on Thursday, January 23, 2025, in the Ceremonial Hall of the University of Iceland from 13:00 to 16:00.

The keynote speaker is Ron Davies Alvarez, director of The Dream Orchestra, which is based on the El Sistema methodology.

More information about Ron Davies and The Dream Orchestra can be found here.

The moderators are Oddur Helgi Ólafsson and Guðmundur Grétar Magnússon.


13:00 – Opening Remarks
Logi Már Einarsson, Minister of Culture, Innovation, and Higher Education
Ásthildur Lóa Þórsdóttir, Minister of Education and Children

13:10 – Why Arts Education?
Maríanna Eva Dúfa Sævarsdóttir, master's student in the Department of Arts Education at the Iceland University of the Arts

13:20 – Introduction to the New UNESCO Framework on Cultural and Arts Education
Áslaug Dóra Eyjólfsdóttir, Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, Secretary General of the Icelandic UNESCO Committee
Guðni Olgeirsson, Ministry of Education and Children, Education Officer in the Icelandic UNESCO Committee

13:35 – Global Framework to Strengthen Culture and Arts Education
ADG Ernesto Ottone, Director-General for Culture at UNESCO (video address)

13:45 – Music as a Tool for Social Transformation and Inclusive Education
Keynote Speaker Ron Davis Alvarez, conductor and music teacher working in Sweden and running The Dream Orchestra based on the El Sistema methodology.

14:20 – Light Refreshments during Break

14:50 – The Art Train
Kristín Valsdóttir, Associate Professor in the Department of Arts Education at the Iceland University of the Arts, Vigdís Gunnarsdóttir, Lecturer in the Department of Arts Education at the Iceland University of the Arts, and Elfa Lilja Gísladóttir, Project Manager for Art for All

15:00 – UNESCO Schools: Education, Sustainability, and Peace
Pétur Hjörvar Þorkelsson, Project Manager at the United Nations Association of Iceland

15:20 – Address by the Chairman of the Icelandic Teachers' Union
Magnús Þór Jónsson, Chairman of the Icelandic Teachers' Union

15:30 – Closing Remarks
Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir, Dean of the School of Education at the University of Iceland

15:40 – Rhythm and Connections in Conakry
Students and teachers at the Iceland University of the Arts share their recent visit to Guinea. Sandra Sano Erlingsdóttir and students

The symposium is organized by the Icelandic UNESCO Committee, the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Children, Art for All, The Department of Arts Education of the Iceland University of the Arts, the School of Education at the University of Iceland, and the Icelandic Teachers' Union.

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