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Ragnheiður Petra Óladóttir, BA singing

01.05.24 – at 14:00
Gróska, meeting room

Ragnheiður Petra Óladóttir
BA singing

Matthildur Anna Gísladóttir, piano
Steinunn María Þormar, soprano

Ragnheiður Petra Óladóttir began her singing studies with Helga Rós Indriðadóttir. Petra was also in the Sóldís Women's Choir, where she got to express herself as a soloist. After three years studying singing in Skagafjörður, she went south to the opera department of Sigurðar Demetz's Singing School. There she was under the guidance of Sigrún Hjálmtysdóttir. In 2016 and 2017, she took part in the Opera Academy for young people, where scenes from various operas were staged in Harpa. Outside the school walls, she has participated in various projects outside of the upcoming ones. Among them, she premiered the works of Edda Bjarkar Jónsdóttir together with Ólaf Frey Birkissyn and the amateur symphony orchestra and was a guest singer at the Christmas Festival in Blönduós.

Throughout her schooling, Petra has had the opportunity to sing and learn various roles, such as Madame Hertz in Schauspieldirektor by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Annina from Eine Nacht in Venedig by Johann Strauss and the Queen of the Night from The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Now in the spring months, Petra Adele sings in Leðurbläkkunn by Johann II Strauss in the production of the University of the Arts.
Now she is completing her B.mus degree at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, where her teachers are Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir, Kristinn Sigmundsson, Dísella Lárusdóttir and her co-star is Matthildur Anna Gísladóttir. The trip is then called off for continuing education.