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Skoða vefinn á Íslensku01.05.24
Gróska, meeting room
Gunnlaugur Ragnarsson
BA singing
In the fall of 2013, Gunnlaugur started studying singing at the newly established music department at Sigurðar Demetz's Singing School. There he cultivated his singing voice with the help of his singing teacher, Þórs Breiðfjörður. In the musical department, Gunnlaugur took part in musicals such as Hárið, Heathers, Spring Awakening, Nine to Five and Kiss me Kate and Phantom of the Opera. Sigurðar Demetz's Singing School ended
Gunnlaugur's basic and intermediate diploma in singing, as well as graduating with a Diploma in musical performances in the spring of 2020. In the fall of 2021, Gunnlaugur began singing studies at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. His singing teachers there are Hanna Dóra Sturludóttir, Kristinn Sigmundsson, Dísella Lárusdóttir and Ryan Driscoll. At the University of the Arts, Gunnlaugur took part in projects such as Representatione di Anima et di Corpo by Emilio de' Cavalieri, The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Orpheus in the Underworld by Jacques Offenbach and then in the upcoming production of The Bat by Johann Strauss. The repertoire of the concert is songs that Gunnlaugur has sung during his singing studies at the University of the Arts.