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Skoða vefinn á ÍslenskuThe goal of the quality system is to promote the quality of university work and ensure that degrees and research meet international standards, and the system is structured in such a way as to support a culture of quality within the school as a whole. The basis of the system is threefold; Policy of the Iceland Academy of the Arts 2017-2023, Framework program of the Quality Council of Icelandic Universities for the enhancement of quality in the field of higher education in Iceland 2017-2023 (e. Icelandic Quality Enhancement Framework - QEF2), and Requirements and guidelines for quality assurance in the field of higher education in Europe (e. Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area – ESG 2015). The quality work of the University of the Arts is reform-oriented, open and transparent, where responsibilities and duties are clearly defined and cooperation between departments, departments and work units is guaranteed.