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Skoða vefinn á ÍslenskuBaklandisin's goal is to promote and strengthen the Iceland University of the Arts (LHÍ), to ensure the school's relationship with artists, cultural institutions and business life, and to promote professional discussion of the arts and society. Bakland elects three of the five board members of the Iceland Academy of the Arts and also has the role of formulating policies and goals to support the activities of LHÍ at any given time.
Bakland LHÍ took over the activities of the Association of Art Universities in 2016.
Baklandisin's goal is to promote and strengthen the Iceland University of the Arts (LHÍ), to ensure the school's relationship with artists, cultural institutions and business life, and to promote professional discussion of the arts and society. Bakland elects three of the five board members of the Iceland Academy of the Arts and also has the role of formulating policies and goals to support the activities of LHÍ at any given time.
Bakland is now making an effort to recruit members for the association. It is extremely important to get a good group of companies working in the creative fields who understand that an institution like LHÍ needs dialogue with the professional environment and who want to support the school for good works.
The University of the Arts is the only university in the country dedicated to art and design. The school's professional standing is strong and operations exemplary despite the difficult operating environment. Unfortunately, the school's housing issues are still unread.
We also envision that Baklandið can eventually become an independent forum for interdisciplinary cooperation and ideas - a voice that paves the way for creative industries in this country.
The University of the Arts organizes a number of exciting events throughout the year that are open to the public, and in the spring there is an impressive graduation ceremony. At the graduation ceremony, BA and MA students present their graduation projects in the field of art and design. Around 30 concerts and graduation shows of actors, dancers and playwrights are also held. Here, the founding members of Baklandin enjoy a special relationship with LHÍ, and this can include invitations to premieres, pre-openings, guided tours of various kinds, architect walks, invitations to concerts, lectures, discussion meetings and celebrations of various kinds.
It is also worth noting the two annual events where a selected group is given the opportunity to participate in a conversation about strategic planning, future vision and the role of LHÍ in Icelandic society. In addition, numerous artists, designers and guest lecturers give lectures on their research areas every winter. The idea is to work on events around these events that would be specifically intended for Bakland. In the near future, the founding members will be invited to a special meeting with the rector, where the school's strategy for the next five years will be presented.
With a powerful Baklandi, we want to create a diverse network of creative industries and thus get people who support LHÍ's projects as well as propose potential board members and thus take responsibility for the development of the school in the future.
Those interested sent an email to where the size of the company, cf. below and a contact are indicated.
Annual fee:
Chapter 1 – Name and Objective.
Article 1.1
The company is called Bakland Academy of the Arts of Iceland, called Bakland. Its home and seat is in Reykjavík.
Article 1.2
Baklandisin's goal is to promote and strengthen the Iceland University of the Arts (LHÍ), to ensure the school's relationship with artists, cultural institutions and business life, and to promote professional discussion of the arts and society. Bakland elects representatives to the board of the Iceland Academy of the Arts and also has the role of formulating policies and goals to support the activities of LHÍ at all times.
Article 1.3
In order to fulfill the above objectives of Bakland, it must hold at least one advertised event per year where member associations are given the opportunity to discuss LHÍ issues, a forum or a conference. Such events must be held in collaboration with LHÍ.
Article 1.4
In addition to the above, smaller meetings shall be held as needed.
Article 1.5
Bakland collects grants and other income for LHÍ as determined, including the membership fee. The grants and income must be spent on projects chosen in consultation with the board of LHÍ or in consultation with individual departments of LHÍ, depending on the decision of the board of Bakland.
Chapter 2 – Membership and member associations.
Article 2.1
Associations, interest groups and institutions with professional ties to the arts taught at LHÍ can be members of Baklandin. Each party pays an annual fee decided at the Bakland's general meeting and nominates one representative to sit on the Bakland's board.
Chapter 3 – The company's board of directors.
Article 3.1
In Bakland, there are representatives of arts and other professional groups. The representatives who hold a seat on the board at any given time are bound by the agreed and declared goals of Bakland.
Article 3.2
The board of Baklandis shall be composed of 7 persons elected at the general meeting for three years at a time. Each LHÍ art form shall have one representative (4), the Hollnemafélag LHÍ one representative (1) and the other members of the Bakland elect two representatives (2).
Article 3.3
Each art form, cf. art. 3.2., appoints 6 representatives to Bakland. The above-mentioned 6 representatives from each art form elect one representative among themselves to have a seat on the board of Bakland. The Hollnemafélag LHÍ has two representatives in Bakland and one of them has a seat on the board of Bakland.
Article 3.4
The administration of the Backland divides the work.
Article 3.5
A board seat in the board of Bakland is limited to two periods or six years.
Chapter 4 – Election to the board of the Iceland Academy of the Arts
Article 4.1
When deciding on representatives on LHÍ's board, it must be taken into account that said representatives must be working and/or recognized artists and academics in LHÍ's professional fields. Representatives of cultural institutions and business are also eligible to sit on the board of LHÍ.
Article 4.2
The board of Baklandis advertises candidates for the board of LHÍ among the members of Baklandis at least four weeks before the general meeting.
Article 4.3
The board of Bakland annually elects one main member and one deputy in the LHÍ board for three years at a time. Each board member shall only serve two consecutive terms.
Article 4.4
The board of Bakland elects at a board meeting representatives for board seats in LHÍ from the candidates submitted. The majority of votes cast is decisive. If there are equal votes, the chairman of Bakland will have an odd vote.
Article 4.5
When deciding on a representative to sit on the board of LHÍ, the board of Bakland must ensure a professional balance between disciplines in accordance with the goals and needs of LHÍ at any given time.
Article 4.6
Permanent employees, LHÍ students and those with financial interests, cf. The charter of LHÍ and the rules of procedure of the board of LHÍ do not have the opportunity to sit on the board of LHÍ.
Chapter 5 – Role of the Board of Directors
Article 5.1
The board of the Bakland Academy of Arts in Iceland directs the company's activities and disposes of its funds in accordance with Bakland's goals according to Article 2 of these agreements.
Article 5.2
The board of Baklandis is also responsible for accounting and financial statements. It preserves the assets of Bakland and shall invest its funds in the most economical and safe manner at all times.
Article 5.3
The board of Baklandis must take care of relations with its member associations and inform about all major decisions, agreements and/or commitments made in the name of the association.
Article 5.4
The Board of the Backlands forms working groups and/or committees for individual projects that are to be resolved or examined at any given time.
Article 5.5
The board of Bakland decides membership fees at a board meeting.
Article 5.6
The Government of the Netherlands sets working rules for the implementation of this law.
Chapter 6 – Accounts of the company
Article 6.1
Annual accounts must be drawn up for each calendar year. The annual accounts must be completed and signed by the board of Bakland no later than two weeks before the announced general meeting. The annual accounts of the company must be published every year on the official website of LHÍ.
Section 7 – Meetings
Article 7.1
The General Assembly has the highest authority in the affairs of the Bakland. The general meeting of the company shall be held no later than the end of April each year. The meeting is considered legitimate if it is called at least two weeks in advance. The meeting must be announced in writing on the media of Bakland, LHÍ and the professional groups. The agenda must be included in the meeting notice. The agenda of the general meeting shall include:
Report of the board of directors for the past year.
Bakland's accounts for the past operating year.
Report on the activities of LHÍ.
Election of seven directors cf. art. 3.2.
Amendments to the articles of association.
Other matters.
Article 7.2
The board of Bakland can also call for company meetings if necessary and must call for them at least one week in advance. Furthermore, a membership meeting shall be convened if 1/3 of the members so request in writing to the board of Bakland.
Article 7.3
The majority of votes cast determines the results, however, see art. 8.1 and Art. 9.1.
Chapter 8 – Articles of Association
Article 8.1
Bakland's articles of association will only be changed at a general meeting. Proposals for changes to the bylaws must be sent with the general meeting notice. Amendments to the articles of association only come into effect if 2/3 of the participants approve the proposed amendments.
Chapter 9 – Liquidation and disposition of assets.
Article 9.1
A vote of 4/5 of the attendees at the general meeting is required to terminate Baklandin. A proposal for its dissolution shall be sent with a meeting notice. If it is agreed at the general meeting to dissolve Bakland, that decision must be immediately notified to the Board of LHÍ and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Upon liquidation of Bakland, its assets shall go undivided to the Iceland Academy of the Arts and be disposed of by its board.
Hlynur Helgason, chairman
Gunnar Andreas Kristinsson, treasurer
Þorlákur Einarsson, secretary
Aðalheiður Magnúsdóttir
Erling Jóhannesson
Gunnar Karel Masson
Halldóra Vífilsdóttir
Steingrímur Dúi Másson
Steinunn Þórhallsdóttir
Guðrún Björk Bjarnadóttir, managing director of STEF, vice-chairman.
Ólafur Sveinn Gíslason, visual artist.
Karen María Jónsdóttir, director of the Höfúðborgartstofa.
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