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THREADS call for material for issue 10

  • December 10, 2024

ÞRÆÐIR is an online journal published annually by the Music Department of the Iceland Academy of the Arts and has the role of creating a platform, restraint and incentive for any kind of music-related research work, inside and outside of the Iceland Academy of the Arts.

There is a call for material for the 10th issue

  • Text length: 500 – 5000 words
  • Text submission deadline: March 2, 2025. Received to:
  • Text should be submitted as a .doc/docx file. Image files must be sent: 300dpi (.tif, .png, .jpg). The Chicago style is used (

Emphasis will be placed on an open platform and flexibility regarding text types, approach and content:
Academic articles, discussion of compositions/performances, artistic approach, methodology, translations, artistic manifestos (statements), free discussions regarding musical work / teaching / art of authors or others are examples of types of texts.

Authors are encouraged to use the publication's digital environment and add audio, video and image files.

Peer review:
Authors can now request a peer review of their article, but the editorial board decides whether a manuscript is sent for peer review. Peer reviews will only be in Icelandic this time.

The website focuses on the Icelandic language, but texts in English will also be accepted.

More about Threads:
With the website, we want to increase the activity of research in the field of music, create new opportunities and incentives, preserve and share knowledge and be a forum for perspectives within music. Threads focus on discourse about music in the Icelandic language.

Criteria for submitted text

Types of text:
Academic articles, discussion of compositions/performances, artistic approach, methodology, translations, artistic manifestos (statements), free discussions regarding the musical work/teaching/art of the person concerned or others.

The magazine is always open to suggestions regarding content or text types, and examples include reviews or reviews of books, CDs, concerts, festivals, and more. Document processing or interviews in video or audio format could also be considered.

Efforts must be made to activate several key concepts regarding the content and type of text. Methods for creating knowledge and understanding: "reflection" or reflection (in execution or after execution), review (of own art or of others), connection (find connections, create connections), context, and back processing / process (what leads to behind, around, ahead).

Editorial board of Threads of ships

Atli Ingolfsson
Einar Torfi Einarsson
Thorbjörg Daphne Hall

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