Adam Switala - Who needs chaos and why are we afraid of it?

10.JANÚAR // 12:45 - 13:45
Nú er vorönn tónlistardeildar hafin og því komið að fyrsta hádegisfyrirlestri annarinnar. Að þessu sinni mun listamaðurinn Adam Świtała halda fyrirlestur í fræðastofu 1, föstudaginn 10.janúar kl 12:45. Świtała mun fjalla um áhrif óreiðunnar á sköpun og miðlun flytjandans.

Programme Director Note

The BMus.Ed program for vocal / instrument teachers emphasizes training in performance as well as pedagogy and other subjects. The goal is that at the end of the study, students possess good skills on their musical instruments as well as practical knowledge that is useful to them in teaching. Most musicians teach for a longer or shorter period of time during their carreer and the study programme is a good option for young musicians who want to have a varied carreer in music. 
Elín Anna Ísaksdóttir


Frá fagstjóra

"The programme is an ideal option for students who have graduated with a BMus.Ed and want to pursue their education. The programme is also an ideal way for music teachers who want to add to their knowledge and skills in teaching.

In addition to pedagogical subjects, students are offered the opportunity to practice singing and musical instruments, as well as training for creative work in music education for children and young people. Emphasis is placed on individual-oriented education, as students have a very diverse background in their studies.

M.Mus.Ed Instrumental / Vocal Education




Kynningarfundur um meistaranám í söng- og hljóðfærakennslu from LHÍ Tónlistardeild on Vimeo.

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