Programme Director Note

The BMus.Ed program for vocal / instrument teachers emphasizes training in performance as well as pedagogy and other subjects. The goal is that at the end of the study, students possess good skills on their musical instruments as well as practical knowledge that is useful to them in teaching. Most musicians teach for a longer or shorter period of time during their carreer and the study programme is a good option for young musicians who want to have a varied carreer in music. 
Elín Anna Ísaksdóttir


Vladimir Stoupel með tónleika og masterklassa

Helgina 2. - 3. febrúar næstkomandi mun franski píanóleikarinn Vladimir Stoupel halda tvær vinnusmiðjur (masterklassa) fyrir nemendur Menntaskóla í tónlist og LHÍ. Vinnusmiðjurnar fara fram milli 11 - 15 báða daga,  laugardaginn 2. febrúar í Skipholti 33 og sunnudaginn 3. febrúar í Skipholti 31 (LHÍ).

Þórarna Salóme Brynjólfsdóttir: Graduate concert

Þórarna Salóme Brynjólfsdóttir gives her graduate concert from the music department of IUA on Sunday, May 6th at 3:30 pm at Hannesarholt, Grundarstígur 10. Free entrance - everybody welcome.


  • Drei Romanzen by Robert Schumann
  • Elefant und Mücke by Henry Kling
  • Tuba Sonata by Paul Hindemith
  • Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen by Gustav Mahler 

Pianist: Aladár Rács

Piccolo flute: Ragnheiður Eir Magnúsdóttir

Photo credits: Leifur Wilberg



Aldís Bergsveinsdóttir: Graduate concert

Violinist Aldís Bergsveinsdóttir gives her final recital from the music department of Iceland University of the Arts on Sunday, May 6th at 5pm. The concert takes place in Hannesarholt, Grundarstígur 10. Free entrance - everybody welcome.


  • Edvard Grieg: Violin Sonata no. 1
  • Marin Marais: French Dances
  • Franz Schubert: Adagio from Sonata Arpeggione
  • Rebecca Clarke: Dumka

Performing with Aldís:
Richard Simm, piano
Sigrún Mary McCormick, viola
Anna Þórhildur Gunnarsdóttir, piano.