Teacher well-being: a diary of creative projects

This 20 ECTs final project attempts to support teachers in rediscovering their professional purpose and professional theory through an arts-based approach that uses creative, meditative connections to map out what it is that motivates us and gives us well-being in our profession. The project is composed of a handbook/diary with creative projects to support teachers who are already in danger of or experiencing burn-out. The diary is accompanied by a report that uses scholarly argumentation to support the diary as well as suggestions to support teachers dealing with burn-out.
The diary is divided into three parts that contain creative projects that assist in the cultivation of empathy in life and at work. In the first chapter of the report I discuss my own background and what I take with it into my job, as well as the milestones on the road that shaped my own professional theory. The second chapter is a literature review that supports the theoretical framework of the diary. This chapter deals with definitions and causes of burn-out as well as a discussion of the professional environment of teachers in Iceland. Concepts such as empathy and empowerment, as well as personal purpose and direction as well as the Japanese philoosphy of ikigai will be discussed. The third chapter discusses the preparation and making of the diary while the fourth chapter connects the content of the diary with the theoretical framework of the projects
Steinunn Hrafnan
steinunn.hilmisdottir [at] gmail.com         
Advisor: Ellen Gunnarsdóttir