„Ef maður talar um það þá getur maður bara sagt hvað sem er”

Umræður og félagslegar kennsluaðferðir í lestrarkennslu unglinga

Reading silently forms a relationship between the book and the reader. However, in the silence, the reader may feel things that are difficult to put into words. One student who reads may have a completely different impression than the one sitting next to him, but they have not been taught how to talk about what they read.
Critical thinking is an important aspect that students need to learn and there are different ways to encourage it. There are social teaching methods that can get students to participate more in lessons, talk to each other and think outside the box. When texts are discussed, students are given the opportunity to direct their own discussion and ask/answer the questions that arose during the reading. It doesn't matter what is right or wrong in the discussions, and the teacher learns as much from the students as the students learn from the teacher. Students then learn not to be afraid to say what's on their mind.
In this study, the researcher wants to find out if discussing literary works, or teaching literature through social teaching methods such as thinking games and drama, would be a good way to encourage young students to read.
Can these teaching methods teach students to think beyond the plot?


Sigríður Alma Axelsdóttir
sigriduralma [at] gmail.com
Advisor: Brynhildur Sigurðardóttir