Mánudaginn 12. desember fer fram opinn tími í Grósku, Vatnsmýri frá 16:30 - 19:00 þar sem franski heimspekingurinn Jean Attali verður með fyrirlestur um verkefni sitt Shared Atlas. 
Tíminn er hluti af námskeiðinu „Borgarýni“ (e. Urban Lab) sem nemendur á öðru ári í arkitektúr við Listaháskóla Íslands sitja á haustönn. 
Jean Attali (Prófessor Emeritus hjá ENSA Paris-Malaquais) mun halda fyrirlestur í klst og í kjölfarið fer fram panelumræða með nemendum og arkitektum. 
Hægt er að lesa nánar um Attali og verkefnið Shared Atlas  hér fyrir neðan á ensku:
Jean Attali
Jean Attali, born in 1950, is a Doctor in Philosophy and Emeritus Professor at the Paris-Malaquais School of Architecture. Author of numerous articles on the themes of Architecture, the City and Contemporary Art, he has often collaborated with Architects and in particular on several occasions with Rem Koolhaas.
Shared Atlas
The interpretation, the reading of city plans involves the recognition of landscaping lines, of the contours of built-up areas, of hydrography networks or the mesh of streets, as so many
recognizable shapes. These “layouts”, or the forms they represent, belong as soon as they are drawn to a system of representation halfway between iconography and ideography; between image and script.
Collections of plans can inspire a graphic, pictorial, or textual project meant to show the
existence of order in space where the fundamental codes of a culture are found.
In order to evaluate such an hypothesis, numerous approaches of cities all around the world
have been developed, discussed and edited on a collaborative platform, led throughout a
fifteen years research seminar. The work of hundreds of participants has been achieved in such a way that its bulk is to be exhibited next year in an Art gallery, where a visual and plastic synthesis of this Shared Atlas will be shown to the public.
The lecture will propose a chronicle of this Shared Atlas and a narrative about the way the
coming exhibition will be constructed and curated.
Access to his Shared Atlas:
log.= atlas / password = villes