Dagana 12.-15. maí sýna nemendur á alþjóðlegri samtímadansbraut útskriftarverk sín. Flutt verða tvö ný dansverk eftir Katrínu Gunnarsdóttur og Gígju Jónsdóttur unnin sérstaklega fyrir útskriftarbekkinn.
May 12th - 15th the Contemporary Dance department graduating class will perform their graduation show, two original works by choreographers Katrín Gunnarsdóttir and Gígja Jónsdóttir.
Ávarp fagstjóra
Dear guests  
A dancer's graduation performance marks both a beginning and an end. It is a rite of passage, concluding their time together as students while entering the professional community as dance artists.  
In this double-bill performance, we witness ten graduating students of Contemporary Dance Practices taking on rituals of the past and future. Embodying landscapes with playful encounters as instruments, thinkers, bodies, avatars, oracles.  
During their three-year BA education at the Iceland University of the Arts, these emerging dance artists have shown such resilience and passion in challenging circumstances during the pandemic. I welcome you to celebrate their unique artistry and dedication to their craft as they dance - with open hearts, shaking the ground, making us listen.  
They have arrived.  
Katrín Gunnarsdóttir  
Associate Professor and Programme Director 
Phygital Glitch
Phygital Glitch Dwelling somewhere in between, facing the forest gaze and playground maze inside an outlined space. Collective force and external source moving through the course of time. 
Original music by Örlygur Steinar Arnalds graduating from B.A. Music.
PSA. Strobe lights are used in the show. 
Choreography // Gígja Jónsdóttir in collaboration with the performers 
Costume and set design // Helga Lára Halldórsdóttir 
Composer // Örlygur Steinar Arnalds 
Lighting design // Valdimar Jóhannsson 
Dramaturgy // Nína Hjálmarsdóttir og Valdimar Jóhannsson 
Photographer // Owen Fiene 
Special thanks to // 
Anna Kolfinna Kuran, Elín Signý W. Ragnarsdóttir, Eysteinn Ívarsson, Soffía Pálsdóttir, Sigrún Soffía Halldórsdóttir, Snædís Eiríksdóttir, Egill Ingibergsson 
An orchestra of dancing bodies has been given the virtuosic and daunting task of translating Igor Stravinsky's Rite of Spring musical score into movement, to be performed in silence. The Russian composer´s seminal work of the 20th century, written during turmoil and unrest, still haunts us with its dissonant and forceful beauty and its themes of ritual and sacrifice. Now we witness another spring ritual with 10 athletic dancers on stage, carrying the monumental weight of the past together, striving for the moment, in silence, as it runs through. 
Concept // Katrín Gunnarsdóttir 
Choreography // Katrín Gunnarsdóttir in collaboration with performers 
Costume design // Eva Signý Berger 
Lighting design // Valdimar Jóhannsson 
Photographer // Owen Fiene 
Special thanks to //
Baldvin Þór Magnússon, Brogan Davison, Egill Ingibergsson, Gígja Jónsdóttir, Heba Eir Kjeld, Nína Hjálmarsdóttir, Védís Kjartansdóttir
Sýningar // Shows 
Fimmtudaginn 12. maí kl. 20:00
Föstudaginn 13.maí kl. 20:00
Laugardaginn 14.maí kl. 16:00 
Sunnudaginn 15. maí kl. 20:00
Miðabókanir fara fram hér
ATH! Takmarkaður sætafjöldi. 
All ticket reservations here
PSA! Limited seeting.