Fyrir hverja er námskeiðið: Námskeiðið er opið fólki með myndlistarmenntun sem vill sækja sér símenntun. Valnámskeið í MA námi í myndlist. Námskeiðið er kennt á ensku.
As the lines between traditional mediums in art began to blur, the relationship between the art object and the space in which it is presented became a prominent subject in visual art. The experiments of artists in the fifties, like the Situationists, but mainly in the sixties and seventies working from and out of the overlapping movements of Conceptual art, Body art and Performance art, Land art, Fluxus, Feminist art and Participatory art, often drew on this relationship. This raised urgent questions concerning the context of art and it´s relations to the physical, social and political space. Out of these experiments and movements grew amongst other institutional critique, and new forms of socio-politically engaged art, community art, and later relational aesthetics, and in most recent years, new forms of Interventionist art and Activism, as for instance Environmental Art, Arte Util and Artivism. The course will trace the relationship of these experiments and movements in conjunction with taking an analytical approach to current artistic practices.
Námsmat: Skriflegar æfingar, mæting og þátttaka 
Kennari: Libia Castro og Ólafur Ólafsson
Staður og stund: Þriðjudaga og fimmtudaga kl. 8:30 - 10:10 í Laugarnesi
Tímabil: 29. ágúst - 15. október
Einingar: 4 ECTS
Kjósi nemendur að taka námskeið án eininga gefur kennari verkefnum nemenda ekki endurgjöf. Verðmunur ræðst þ.a.l. af auknu vinnuálagi kennara.
Námskeið sem tekin eru án eininga geta þó skráðst, án eininga, á námsferil nemenda.
Verð: 49.000 kr. (án eininga) / 61.200 kr. (með einingum)
Nánari upplýsingar: Sindri Leifsson, verkefnastjóri myndlistardeildar: sindrileifsson [at] lhi.is