Hagnýtar hugmyndir í tónlistarkennslu!

Söngvar- leikir- samspilshugmyndir og fleira.

Föstudaginn 12. október kl. 12.30- 16.30 fer fram hagnýtt námskeið fyrir öll sem kenna krökkum tónlist í grunnskóla, tónlistarskóla, frístund eða á öðrum vettvangi.
Kennarar eru þau Kirsten Juul Seidenfaden og Anders Møller sem bæði eru starfandi tónlistarkennarar við tónlistarháskóla í Danmörku. Þau bjóða upp á „Boost“ inn í tónlistarkennsluna. Námskeiðið er praktískt, „hands-on“ og kynntar verða ýmsir söngvar- leikir- samspilshugmyndir og fleira.
Staðsetning: Listaháskólinn Laugarnesvegi 91.
Kennt verður á ensku.
Verð: 5.000.-
Skráning hér. 
Hægt er að sækja um endurgreiðslu frá kennarasambandinu.
Um Kirsten:
-Present employee at The Royal Danish Academy of Music as an educator in music pedagogy, rhythmic training, music in the classroom and music comprehension for kids since 2013.
-Making courses and postgraduate educations for music teachers, pedagogical music teachers and music-school teachers since 2009. Has held more than 50 courses in the last 3 years using own teaching material ”Lige i øret” (Straight in the ear)
Um Anders:
-Teacher at The Danish National Academy of Music (in Odense) in the subject of theoretical pedagogy and psychology and innovation.
-Associated Teacher at Music Confucius Institute (MCI) at the Royal Danish Academy of theoretical pedagogy and psychology and innovation of music in Copenhagen.

Selected graduation projects

Ljóðasmiðja- Poetry Workshop
Dálítill sjór
„Arts Education mixed with the artist is a perfect combination. To teach inspires you in your own art creation. What remains after my time at the study programme is huge network of people. Also an take with me newfound wisdom and tools that will serve me in my teaching and generally in life. I am happiest about how I  was able to mix all the things that I have been doing in life: Fashion design, yoga teaching, the artist and the art teacher in me. Arts Education helped me to connect the dots.“



Thelma Björk Jónsdóttir, designer and yoga teacher.


At the department of Arts Education at the Iceland Academy of the Arts, the study is in many ways different than in many other places in the world. At the IAA artists from all disciplines: fine art, architecture, design, music, theatre and contemporary dance come together with that in common that they want to study Arts Education. Even though each student focues on his/hers discipline, there are a many courses that are joint and that makes the department a melting pot of the Arts. 

Kristín Valsdóttir, dean at Department of Arts Education.