Verið velkomin á sýningu vöruhönnunarnema á lokaári. Sýningin opnar föstudaginn 27. nóvember kl.17 á þriðju hæð í Þverholti 11 og sýnir afrakstur vinnustofunnar „Stefnumót“, þar sem nemendur unnu saman sem teymi í samstarfi við Skógræktarfélag Reykjavíkur.

Verkefnið er efnisrannsókn þar sem tilraun er gerð til að varpa nýju ljósi á víði sem efnivið. Við umbreytingu efnisins var einungis notast við vatn og hita. Útkoman er litrík palletta hráefna.

Allir hjartanlega velkomnir!


Welcome to an exhibition by the final year of product design on Friday November 27th at 5:00 pm on 3rd floor at Þverholt 11. 

The exhibition is a yearly event held by the students of the final year to display the results of the course “Design and integration” (Stefnumót).

The course project included the class working as a design team in a coordinated effort between design-students and the foresters of the Forestry association of Reykjavík.

The course is a material based research project where experiments are done to motivate and inspire new possibilities found in willow. The transformation of the material using only water and heat resulted in a colorful palette of raw materials.

Please join us in discovering willow.



Birta Rós Brynjólfsdóttir

Björn Steinar Blumenstein

Emilía Sigurðardóttir

Johanna Seelemann

Kristín Sigurðardóttir

Theódóra Mjöll Skúladóttir Jack

Védís Pálsdóttir

Programme leaders:

Tinna Gunnarsdóttir

Friðrik Steinn Friðriksson

Óskar Kristinn Vignisson

Head of studies:

Garðar Eyjólfsson


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