Mary Jane Jacob, Sýningarstjóri og prófessor við School of the Art Institute í Chicago, er annar gestur í fyrirlestraröðinni TALK Series á árinu 2015. Hún heldur opinberan fyrirlestur í Listasafni Reykjavíkur, Hafnarhúsi, fimmtudaginn 30. apríl kl. 20.00. Titill fyrirlestursins nefnist „Experiencing Social Practice“. 

Í fyrirlestrinum mun Jacob velta fyrir sér upplifun áhorfenda og listamanna sjálfra af listaverkum sem hafa beina samfélagslega nálgun og fela í sér þátttöku almennings. Þá mun hún styðjast við kenningar bandaríska heimspekingsins John Deweys til þess að skoða félagslega sinnuð verk myndlistarmanna.

Mary Jane Jacob hefur sem sýningarstjóri síðustu áratugi stýrt hundruðum sýninga sem miða að því að færa myndlistina og orðræðu hennar út í samfélagið og nær almenningi. Jacob hefur einnig rannsakað hvað það að upplifa myndlist feli í sér og gefið út viðamiklar bækur um viðfangsefnið, m.a: Buddha Mind in Contemporary Art, Learning Mind: Experience into Art, Chicago Makes Modern: How Creative Minds Changed Society, og The Studio Reader: On the Space of Artists. Jacob er prófessor við School of the Art Institute of Chicago þar sem hún hefur veitt forystu rannsóknarverkefnis sem nefnist Chicago Social Practice History Series.

TALK Series er samstarfsverkefni Listasafns Reykjavíkur, Kynningarmiðstöðvar íslenskrar myndlistar og Listaháskóla Íslands. Lagt er uppi með að skapa vettvang fyrir alþjóðleg tengsl og umræður um myndlist í fyrirlestraröð ár hvert. Þátttakendur eru virtir sýningarstjórar, fræði- og listamenn sem eiga merkan feril að baki á alþjóðlegum vettvangi.

Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og er öllum opinn án endurgjalds.

Styrktaraðilar fyrirlestraraðarinnar TALK Series eru Goethe-Institut, Bandaríska sendiráðið á Íslandi og Promote Iceland.

Mary Jane Jacob, Curator and Professor at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, is the second participant in this year’s TALK Series program. She will give a open lecture at the Reykjavík Art Museum, Harbour house on Thursday April 30th at 8 p.m. Jacob´s talk is entitled “Experiencing Social Practice”.

We have seen a pronounced acceleration in the number of projects that involve working directly with people. Artists speak passionately about this work; curators find it rewarding as they stretch their practices; and audiences are changed. Meanwhile critics seem confused by what it is all about, their writings bounded by socio-political theories or art histories, without consideration for the lived experience of the participant-viewers. 

In this lecture, Mary Jane Jacob draw upon American philosopher John Dewey whose understanding of human experience led him to conclude that art is a powerful agent of self-realization and social change. From this perspective, Jacob will address what processes we undergo in the art experience; art as a lived practice for artists; and how art—and especially socially engaged art projects—affords others access to living life as a conscious practice.

Mary Jane Jacob is a curator who, through hundreds of exhibitions, site-specific and community-based projects, and public programs, has worked with artists to expand the practice and public discourse of art as a shared process. Study into the nature of the art experience has led to the anthologies: Buddha Mind in Contemporary Art, Learning Mind: Experience into Art, Chicago Makes Modern: How Creative Minds Changed Society, and The Studio Reader: On the Space of Artists. As Professor and Executive Director of Exhibitions and Exhibition Studies at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she is recently spearheaded a major research project leading to the Chicago Social Practice History Series.

Under the title TALK Series, Reykjavík Art Museum, Icelandic Art Center and the Iceland Academy of the Arts initiated a collaborative visitor program in 2012, offering a platform for continual professional-, international encounters to take place in Iceland. Comprising visits by leading figures in the visual arts, this program initiative brings to the Icelandic art community, as well as to the public at large, the burgeoning ideas and diverse practices that define the terms and shape the dialogue within the contemporary international art scene.

The lecture takes place in English, is open to everyone and free of charge.

TALK Series is generously supported by the Goethe Institute, The American Embassy in Iceland and Promote Iceland.