Let’s say you meet a person for the first time, the person tells you their name and what they do in life, you have a short conversation and then your paths separate. Besides your verbal encounter, there are so many other things that you now know about this person. You know how the person chooses to dress, how their posture is and how their voice sounds. Let’s go a bit deeper, did you feel how the person felt? Do you know if you want to meet the person again? Do they carry with them any trauma? Even though it is not clear to you in the moment, you do somehow know the answers to these questions. 
I have always been thought to be a good people person and for the longest time I thought being good at social encounters was connected to being good with words. However, I am now aware that that is not that simple, because in reality, what gives you the keys to understanding a person is what is not said. But how do we understand what is not said? 
Rupert Sheldrake is a British scientist, who has been studying and hypothesizing morphic resonance and morphic fields. These theories can be used to explain how the laws of nature evolve with time, how DNA can’t be the only thing that controls how we are and the theories also provide an explanation on how telepathy works in a way that does not make you feel like you are “losing you mind”. 
If you are intrigued to know more about knowing, stop by UNGIR OG EFNILEGIR FJÁRFESTAR DEL NORD’S cubicle at the fine-arts graduation show from Iceland University of the Arts at Kjarvalsstaðir the 4th - 12th of May.