Set adrift
and mind the gap


In this research project I examine my own ideas and attitudes towards teaching in regard to the course I taught in autumn 2020. I inspect where my ideas and attitudes come from, and connect them with bell hooks, Hannah Arendt, Paulo Freire, John Dewey, Thórbergur Thórdarson, and others. 
In Sudursveit, in the South of Iceland, where I grew up, a lack of self-scrutiny was considered foolish, and the same adhered to go looking for what is right under your nose, and in my writing, I disseminate these considerations with various connections. I have relied on the methodology of action research and artistic research in this project to examine myself as a teacher and artist. I seek to connect those aspects that have benefited me both in work and play, and so I “stitch” my own integrated work theory.


Through my works, the reader is offered the opportunity to look at aspects that are important to facilitate processes and communication, and that is where I will dwell with my students. By nurturing good communication and developing some sort of progression but not production. It is this sort of processes that our times need; where the consequences are scrutinised, and rational thought is used in transformative ways with nomadic thought, resourcefulness, and efficiency at the forefront.
I used the opportunity to learn through doing, guided by my ideas and experience, while I also take my first steps as an elementary school teacher. This approach made it possible for me to take a clear stand with important participation and with the importance of children being allowed to continue to dream and imagine. This adheres to all creativity, but also the ability to envision things that then relate to other aspects that are categorised as desirable skills, resourcefulness, efficiency, good communications, trust, and belief in one’s own ability. 
I choose to use experimentation and working through process and play to train my students in not stagnating in thought and to understand the importance of being perceptive and persevere in inversion or straying away from the path well-travelled, if it has fallen out of context with the world. 
Hanna Jónsdóttir
Department of Arts Education
itishanna [at] 
Instructors: Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir og Gunndís Ýr Finnbogadóttir