How Now?

A Comic on Education


This project is an examination into how Comics can be used for educational purposes.

The task is twofold. On the one hand, the story´s subject matter is considered. I look back to my own education, attempting a sort of pedagogical evaluation of the curriculum faced by myself as a student, teacher, and artist. On the other hand, we have the graphic novel itself, and how the narrative style and graphic imagery can be of use in transmitting knowledge and lore.

My main contribution to this project is based on my experiences as a socially conscious graphic illustrator and creator of graphics of all sorts over the past thirty years. Therefore, the task at hand is also a kind of artistic study of my own creative endeavours seen through the lens of pedagogics. In addition to this, I look to my own professional ethics as a teacher, attempting to insert some unexpected knowledge into the narrative in a similar manner to what takes place in the classroom.



Whilst creating the Comic itself, I considered various resources for added depth. I interviewed some of my fellow students, who were able to add to my own memories. In some instances, the interviews supported what I remembered, while others resulted in me having to review and re-evaluate my memories. Furthermore, I interviewed a psychologist about the reliability of memory itself and attempted to add some academic references to the narrative.

The project´s inquisitive title How Now? can be said to develop as the narrative unfolds, and a conclusion of sorts is reached at the end: That an education offers us a plethora of choices. In my own view, the speculative nature of this Comic is both reflected and crystallized in its conclusion.

Mynd: Owen Fiene

Halldór Kristján Baldursson
halldorbaldursson [at]
Advisor: Ingimar Ólafsson Waage.