Tónleikafyrirlestur með tónlistarhópnum Women on the Verge, föstudaginn 22. febrúar, stofu S304, Skipholti 31, kl. 12:45 - 13:45. 

Bandarísk-kanadíska tónlistarhópinn Women on the Verge skipa sópransöngkonurnar Emily Martin og Elizabeth McDonald og Kathryn Tremills, píanóleikari en hópinn stofnuðu þær árið 2016.

Á tónleikafyrirlestri sínum í LHÍ munu þær flytja nýtt verk eftir tónskáldið Emilie LeBel sem nefnist Blue of the Distance. Verkið byggist meðal annars á stefjum sem tengjast því að vera utangarðs og utanveltu og veruleiki kvenna skoðaður í því samhengi. Textinn er sambland af orðfæri úr rúmlega 140 blaðagreinum og ritgerðinni „Blue of Distance“ eftir Rebeccu Solnit þar sem orðum úr blaðagreinunum er skeytt inn í ritgerð Solnit.

Aðgangur ókeypis og öll velkomin.
Hlökkum til að sjá ykkur.


A Lecture-Recital with Women on the Verge at the Department of Music, IUA on Friday, February 22nd at 12:45 - 13:45. Room S304, Skipholt 31, 105 Reykjavík. Free entrance and everybody welcome.

Join Women on the Verge for a Lecture-Recital of Emilie LeBel's new work, Blue of the Distance commissioned with the support of the Canada Council. 

The text "explores themes of migration, displacement, and the experience of women caught in this turmoil". Emilie has set found and collected words from over 140 news articles describing events of displacement, in particular, words to describe women. These words were then mapped onto an essay by Rebecca Solnit, Blue of Distance, using erasure techniques on her text. 

Women on the Verge was formed in 2016 by American soprano Emily Martin, Canadian soprano Elizabeth McDonald and Canadian pianist Kathryn Tremills. The trio is connected by the performers’ mutual desire to explore the common thread of women’s lives through the millennia, including their strengths, struggles, and collective experiences.