
It's never aliens - Artistic exploration of extraterrestrial phenomena

Quadrature is an artist’s collective based in Berlin. Their works deal with the endless beauty of the universe and the methods humans employ to explore it. The cosmos serves the duo as an unthinkable yet real space that evokes the most elementary emotions and the most advanced scientific theories. Since experiencing a stay at an art-residency at one of the largest radio telescopes in the world, the surreal promises of radio astronomy have haunted the artists, culminating in a series inspired by strange signals, little green men and possible multiverses.
Their work includes screen-based works as well as robotic installations and graphics. In this lecture Quadrature will present recent projects (including a self-built radio telescope!), talk about superlatives in space and show their audiovisual performance 'Orbits'.
Quadrature are coming to the Department of Design and Architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts to give a workshop for students in the MA Design program, as well as giving a lecture about their works and researches.
The lecture will be the 15th of March 2019 at 5 PM in Ásmundarsalur,
it will be in English, free entrance and all are welcome!
Heimasíða Quadrature: https://quadrature.co/
Ljósmynd: Martin Hieslmair
Gestagangur is intended to provide an insight into some interesting projects and research in design and architecture. The lecturers are all part-time tutors or visiting tutors from abroad at the Faculty of Design and Architecture. They have all attracted attention for specific projects in the field of design or architecture, and have achieved international recognition for their work.