Massimo Santanicchia
Architecture in the Cthulocene

Massimo Santanicchia is an Associate Professor and Program Director in Architecture at the Iceland University of the Arts. As an architect and a researcher he is interested in exploring the role that education has in contributing to solving the grand challenges that humanity is facing.
In his lecture, Architecture in the Cthulocene, he will explore the following question: What are the politics of your design and what is the design of your politics? How can architecture education in a time of fast change and urgencies contribute in forming tomorrow’s professional to become active citizens able to engage with today’s troubles?
The lecture will be given Tuesday the 9th of April at 12:15 in Lecturehall A, Þverholt 11
It's open to everyone and will be in English.
Sneiðmynd 2019
Sneiðmynd is a series of lectures in which members of the teaching staff of the Faculty of Design and Architecture showcase their research and artistic creativity, and discuss their contributions to the tuition provided at the faculty. This coming spring will see lecturers on the MA course in Design and BA Architecture presenting their research and projects.
Intensive research by lecturers at the Faculty of Design and Architecture is the cornerstone of skills creation, ideological renewal and artistic achievement, communicated to students through tuition and to the community at large by collaborating in a variety of projects in the domestic as well as the international arena.