Einkasýning Guðrúnar Sigurðardóttur, Hystería, opnar laugardaginn 29. febrúar kl. 14:00 í RÝMD, Völvufelli 13-21. 

Sýningin er í röð einkasýninga MA útskriftarnema við meistaranám myndlistardeildar Listaháskóla Íslands vorið 2020. 
Opnunartími: Sunnudaginn 1. mars kl. 14:00 - 17:00, miðvikudaginn 4. mars kl. 15:00 - 18:00, föstudaginn 6. mars kl. 15:00 - 18:00. 
A solo show by Guðrún Sigurðardóttir, Hystería, will open on saturday February 29th at 2pm in RÝMD, Völvufell 13-21.

The exhibition is a part of solo exhibitions by graduating students in MA Fine Art Programme at the Iceland University of the Arts in the spring of 2020. 
Opening hours: sunday March 1st at 2pm - 5pm, wedensday 4th March at 3pm - 6 pm, friday March 6th at 5pm - 6pm. 
For the last two years Guðrún Sigurðardóttir has researched the combination of textile and concrete with different embroidery methods and material from the industrial world like concrete wire and stone wool.

The exhibition Hystería is an installation of sculptures that are constructed intuitively in this process of exploration.