The Department of Arts Education IUA invites you to a graduation event on Saturday May 11th in the Culture Houses in Kópavogur.

The event is a part of the Graduation Festival IUA 2019 and graduating arts educators will present their final thesis through different methods. 
The exciting programme consist of different lectures, musical performance and various workshops for the entire family. 
The programme runs from 10.30am to 4.30pm in Gerðarsafn Museum. The event is free and open to all and accompanied children are especially welcome! 
Graduating students: 
Andrea Magdalena Jónsdóttir
Ásgeir Jón Ásgeirsson
Ásta Vilhjálmsdóttir
Elín Helena Evertsdóttir
Emelía Antonsdóttir Crivello
Fríða María Harðardóttir
Guðrún Jóna Halldórsdóttir
Guðrún Ragnheiður Guðmundsdóttir
Jóhanna Ásgeirsdóttir
Kristín Dóra Ólafsdóttir
Rúna Vala Þorgrímsdóttir
Sigrún Guðmundsdóttir

Event Programme in Gerðarsafn Museum:

10.30-12.30. Lectures. Lower level.
Allt sem er grænt, grænt finnst mér vera fallegt: Bréfaskriftir um fegurð
Andrea Magdalena Jónsdóttir
Lecture 30 min and sound installation.
Essið: Ræktun jákvæðrar sjálfsmyndar á umrótatímum
Áhrif dagbókarskrifa á unglingsstelpur í hópastarfi í félagsmiðstöð og þróun námsefnis því tengdu
Kristín Dóra Ólafsdóttir
Lecture 30 min.
Hvaðan færðu allar þessar hugmyndir?“ ADHD einkenni virkjuð til góðs í sviðslistum
Emelía Antonsdóttir Crivello
Lecture 30 min.
Mótandi efni jarðar: Saga, miðlun og fræðilegt viðhorf til leirlistar
Guðrún Jóna Halldórsdóttir
Lecture 30 min.
12.30-13.00. Break. 
13.00-15.00. Workshop. Lower level.  
Gera sjálf/ur
Ásta Vilhjálmsdóttir
Textile workshop 120 min.
All ages, very small children to be assisted by their accompany.
Maximum 8 participants at each time. 
The textile workshop offers a chance to create puppets and small puppet homes of all sorts from socks and other found fabric. The idea is to introduce sustainability and self-sufficiency through the use of discarded material. Children are especially encouraged to bring material from home to use in the workshop.
13.30-15.00. Workshop. Lower level. 
Listir og mannréttindi: Greinar Barnasáttmálans kenndar í gegnum skuggaleikhús
Guðrún Ragnheiður Guðmundsdóttir
Experimental shadow theatre workshop 90 mín.
All ages, very small children to be assisted by their accompany. 
Maximum 10 participants at each time. 
13.30-14.30. Lectures. Upper level.
Íslensk þjóðlög: Nótna og kennslubók
Ásgeir Jón Ásgeirsson
Musical performance and artist talk. 30 min.
Hjartað í miðjunni: Vinnusmiðja fyrir mæður og börn sem sótt hafa um alþjóðlega vernd
Fríða María Harðardóttir
Lecture 30 min.
14.30-15.30. Workshop. Lower level and outside.
Óravíddir: Ferðalag um undraheima stærðfræðinnar
Jóhanna ÁsgeirsdóttirMathematical workshop 60 min. 
All ages, very small children to be assisted by their accompany. 
Óravíddir is a mathematical study material for all ages. However it is not an actual book but consist of a painting and an app. The painting is a jumping game, which has been painted on the grounds of Kópavogsskóli elementary school, and a part of the jumping game will be recreated on the floor of Gerðarsafn Museum. The app unlocks the painting through stop motion, creative assignments and questions for conversation. The app can be found here
15.30-16.30. Lectures. Upper level.
Hvað er árangursríkt í viðtölum og yfirferðum í myndlistarkennslu á framhalds- og háskólastigi?
Elín Helena Evertsdóttir
Lecture 30 min.
Sköpun og skapandi ferli til valdeflingar: Námskeiðið Regnbogapönk fyrir 10-12 ára krakka í félagsmiðstöð
Rúna Vala Þorgrímsdóttir
Lecture 30 min.
All day
Snjóskúlptúrgerð í Lapplandi
Sigrún Guðmundsdóttir
Photograpic exhibition.