
Talk: Can there be a feminist future in the performing arts?

Talk: APAP* Feminist Futures - Can there be a feminist future in the performing arts?

*apap - advancing performing arts project
The Iceland University of the Arts. Laugarnesvegur 91, 105 Reykjavík. Black Box.
Wednesday the November 15th - 10:45-12:00
Open to all, no registration.
Accessibility: The Iceland University of the Arts has wheelchair access and accessible toilets.

Söngkynning þriðja árs leikaranema í Þjóðleikhúskjallaranum

Verið velkomin á seinustu söngkynningu þriðja árs leikaranema næsta föstudag, 20. október í Þjóðleikhúskjallaranum kl. 17:00.
Miðapantanir eru fríkeypis og fara fram í gegnum (ath. aðeins er hægt að taka frá einn miða í einu).
Bekkurinn tekur fjölbreytt sólólög og hóplög í bland. Kynningin er um 1,5 klst, ekkert hlé.
Kennari: Kristjana Stefánsdóttir

Open reading - Leiklestur fullur af lífi

Second Year Theatre and Performance Making students invite you to attend an open reading of stage plays! The reading will take place Monday 16th of October at 20:00!
In the past couple of weeks students have been practicing and polishing their abilities in creative writing with Hlín Agnarsdóttir. The final product of the intensive course are 13 brand-spanking new stage plays! Each piece is around 10 minutes in length and will be read by second year acting students.

Platonov eftir Anton Chekhov - Leiktúlkun V

Verið velkomin á sýningu útskriftarnema af leikarabraut á verkinu Platonov eftir Anton Chekhov. Undanfarnar sex vikur hafa nemendur unnið að uppfærslunni í leikstjórn Shanga Parker.
Fimmtudaginn 12. október 20:00
Föstudaginn 13. október 20:00
Laugardaginn 14. október 20:00
Sýningin er um 2 klst að lengd.
Listaháskóla Íslands - Laugarnesvegi 91, 105 Reykjavík

Performing Arts Symposium IUA

Praxis is an annual Performing Arts Symposium at Iceland University of the Arts. The symposium is a platform for artistic experiments, knowledge creation and dialogue between the professional scene and the academia. Thus, the symposium becomes a place for the performing arts scene in Iceland to come together, share methods and/or research, and think together towards the future.