Birgit Djupedal: Graduate Concert

A graduate concert of Birgit Djupedal, MA-student of composition at the music department of IUA (Iceland University of the Arts). The programme consists of older compositions  composed by Birgit through her studies at the department where her main teacher has been Hróðmar I. Sigurbjörnsson as well as a premiere of a new chamber opera, "The Corn", with lyrics by Ingunn Lára Kristjánsdóttir. 

The concert takes place at 'Óháði söfnuðurinn' - Háteigskirkja 56 on Wednesday, May 16th at 8pm. Free entrance, everybody welcome. 


Icelandic and Norwegian folk songs / workshop

Open workshop with Spilmenn Ríkínís and Birgit Djupedal at the Music Department, IUA, Skipholt 31, on Tuesday, April 24th from 10:30 am - 12:10pm. Everybody welcome to listen - free entrance.

Further info:
Spilmenn Ríkínís and Birgit Djupedal give a workshop on Icelandic and Norwegian folk music, talking about their work and performing traditional folk music along with some compositions by Birgit.


Heiðdís Hanna Sigurðardóttir, meistaranemi í sköpun, miðlun og frumkvöðlastarfi (NAIP) við tónlistardeild LHÍ hlýtur í ár viðurkenningu úr styrktarsjóði Önnu Karólínu Nordal. Sjóðurinn er stofnaður af Önnu Karólínu sem fæddist í Vesturheimi árið 1902 og lést árið 1998. Hún bjó alla tíð í Kanada og kom aldrei til Íslands en hafði engu að síður sterkar taugar til landsins og sýndi ættlandi sínu og Íslendingum mikla ræktarsemi eins og sjóðurinn er fagur vitnisburður um.  Anna var alþýðukona og mikill unnandi tónlistar og vildi styrkja ungt tónlistarfólk í námi og hvetja til frekari árangurs.

MA/M.Mus in Composition

The Masters programme in music composition provides the student with the means to establish and develop his/her area of speciality as a composer. Emphasis is put on allowing the student to explore, enhance and develop her/his personal compositional approach.

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