Adam Switala - Who needs chaos and why are we afraid of it?

10.JANÚAR // 12:45 - 13:45
Nú er vorönn tónlistardeildar hafin og því komið að fyrsta hádegisfyrirlestri annarinnar. Að þessu sinni mun listamaðurinn Adam Świtała halda fyrirlestur í fræðastofu 1, föstudaginn 10.janúar kl 12:45. Świtała mun fjalla um áhrif óreiðunnar á sköpun og miðlun flytjandans.

In Paradisum. Requiem by Gabriel Fauré at Hallgrimskirkja

Concert with students from Iceland University of the Arts (IUA) and Iceland National Church's Music School in collaboration with the Hallgrímskirkja Friends of the Arts Society.  Religious music by Gabriel Fauré, Johann Sebastian Bach, Felix Mendelsohn, Cécar Franck and more.

Free entrance and everybody welcome.


Théodore Dubois (1837 - 1924): 
from Douze pièces

Charles Marie Widor (1845-1937):
Symphonie pour orgue no 1 op. 13 no 1

Church Music

The BMus programme in instrumental/vocal performance is structured as classical vocal or instrumental study, with emphasis on the performance of classical and contemporary music. The performance major comprises private lessons, accompaniment, and master classes. Strong emphasis is placed on inviting foreign and domestic guest teachers to hold master classes.

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