náttúrulega // naturally - juulius vaiksoo

náttúrulega // naturally
Contemporary Dance Practices
Graduation Individual Work
Juulius Vaiksoo
á meðan þú horfir spurðu sjálfa/n þig hvað er dýrslegt og hvað er mannlegt?
danshöfundur. juulius vaiksoo
dansarar. mari ann valkna og torfi tómasson


An exhibition showcasing work from a short two week intensive course introducing students to the hackspace and support options available downstairs in the workshops. 
This course enables 1st year graphic design students to experiment with new technologies and explore how they relate to the field of visual communication. 
Hardware and software utilised include :
  • VR / AR using Blender and SparkAR
  • Gesture control using TouchDesigner / P5.js
  • 3D scanning / 3D printing

Gestagangur // André Tavares // Fishing Architecture

The shores of the North Atlantic house diverse architectural cultures and its waters are home to a wealth of fish species. The industrialisation of fisheries in the early 19th century and the globalisation of the industry at the end of the 20th century impacted the area’s fishing architecture. This lecture addresses the ecological impact of architecture and human activity. It will focus on marine ecosystems, fishing technology, food processing, politics, and consumption habits in order to offer a new perspective on construction, in which fishing landscapes bring together land and sea.

Þegar ég sé þig, sé ég mig / When i see you, i see me

Einstaklingsverkefni 3 árs leikara

Einstaklingsverk 3 ár leikara

Nemendur á 3. ári leikarabrautar hafa síðustu 4 vikur unnið að einstaklingsverkefnum sínum undir handleiðslu Agnars Jóns Egilsonar fagstjóra leikarabrautar.
Nemandinn sem einstaklingur fylgir eftir eigin hugmynd, vinnur hana með þeim aðferðum sem hann hefur tileinkað sér í náminu, þar sem fræði, tækni og sköpun eru samofin í nálgun nemandans við verkefnið.