Lecture Series spring 2024 – Department of Fine Art, Iceland University of the Arts

    Every semester a guest lecture series is held by the Department of Fine Art at the Iceland University of the Arts. Lectures are open to all, in and outside of the University.
    In five lectures over the course of the semester, artists and art professionals share their research, experimentation, art making, activism and speculative, collaborative and inclusive practices with us.

Hugarflug 2019

Dagskrá / Programme 2019


15. febrúar - Föstudagur / Friday 

IS= íslenska
EN= English
Skráning er óþörf og er ráðstefnan öllum opin. 
No registration needed as the conference is open to all. 
8.45- 9  Mötuneyti / Caffiteria 
Morgunkaffi / Coffee 
9-9.15  L193 Fyrirlestrarsalur / Lecture hall 
Ávarp rektors LHÍ / Opening from rector of IUA - Fríða Björk Ingvarsdóttir. IS

Útskriftarverkefni sviðslistadeildar 2024

Sviðshöfundar - 15.03.24-25.03.24

Í ár útskrifast 10 nemendur af sviðshöfundabraut. Verkefni þeirra spanna vítt svið sviðslistanna og taka á fjölbreyttum málefnum. Öll eiga verkefnin það sameiginlegt að nálgast sviðslistamiðilinn á tilraunakenndan og gagnrýnin hátt með forvitni að vopni. Nánari upplýsingar HÉR.

Dansarar - 10.05.24-18.05.24

Frumsýning í Black Boxinu LHÍ Laugarnesi 10. maí 2024.

Fruitful Futures

Welcome to the design exhibition Fruitful Futures at Krónan Grandi! While DesignMarch takes over the city, the conventional space of a grocery store is transformed to an exhibition space. Between fruits, flour and cheese you’ll find diversity of projects like vitamins for plants, growing garments and a soup of mealworms. However, all projects touch on innovation and design, sustainability and reuse, new perspectives and speculations.