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House painter

Leiðsögn sýningastjóra útskriftarsýningar BA nemenda í arkitektúr, hönnun og myndlist.

Sýningastjórar leiða gesti um sýningu nemenda frá kl.12:00 til 15:00.


Kl:12:00 Leiðsögn sýningastjóra í arkitektúr

               Hjördís Sóley Sigurðardóttir


Kl:13:00 Leiðsögn sýningastjóra í hönnun

               Adam Flint sýningastjóri í grafískri hönnun

               Rúna Thors sýningastjóri vöruhönnunar

               Þórunn María Jónsdóttir sýningastjóri í fatahönnun.


Kl:14:00 Leiðsögn sýningastjóra í myndlist

               Arnar Ásgeirsson


Open lecture in the department of Fine Art: Kevin Atherton

Open lecture in the Fine Art department: Kevin Atherton
Friday, May 5 at 13 Lectureroom Laugarnesvegi 91
Born on the Isle of Man in 1950, Kevin Atherton is an artist who works with performance and new media in sculptural contexts. His is a time-based practice with an ongoing interest in the relationship between the real and the fictional. Since the 1980s Atherton has created many large-scale public sculptural commissions.

Open lecture in the department of Fine Art: Andrew Taggart and Chloe Lewis

Within their practice, Bergen-based artists Andrew Taggart and Chloe Lewis look to the disciplines of furniture-making and fiction to locate nuanced and unexpected positions for sculpture to occupy. For their talk within IUA’s guest lecture series, Lewis and Taggart will present their work, process, and thoughts on the intersections of sculpture with functional and literary forms.