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Skoða vefinn á Íslensku

Library and information services

Office hours: Monday-Thursday at 8:30-16:00, Fridays at 8:30-13:00.
Access to the museum (and self-service) is in accordance with the opening hours of the building in Hamri.
Phone: 545 2217 Email:

LHÍ Library

Iceland University of the Arts' library and information service is a specialist library in the field of arts taught at the school. It is also the largest art library in the country.

  • Practical information

    The library is located in Hamri, Stakkahlíð 1.

    The opening hours are from Mondays to Thursdays between 8:30 and 16:00, and on Fridays between 8:30 and 13:00

    Students and staff have access to the library outside opening hours with an access card to the building in Stakkahlíð.

    Reading and working facilities are in Stakkahlíð, where you can do project work both individually and in groups.

    Phone: 545 2217

  • Lending / Interlibrary loan

    Lending service

    • LHÍ's library is mainly intended for students, teachers and other members of staff. The library is also open to others as a specialist library in the field of art.
    • Everyone is allowed to visit the museum during opening hours free of charge. Those who want to take advantage of the lending services pay according to the tariff.
    • Everyone who wants to use the library services is encouraged to familiarise themselves with the lending rules where information is provided about the loan period of data, renewal, reservations, etc.
    • Library users can renew their own loans by logging in to You can also contact the library and request a renewal.

    Interlibrary loan

    • The library arranges interlibrary loans from other libraries, for students and teachers, of books or magazine articles that are not available in the LHÍ library. A fee is charged for interlibrary loans according to the tariff. More about interlibrary loans.


  • Fees

    Students and teachers at LHÍ are able to use the services free of charge - free for students and staff
    Annual fee for general borrowers is ISK. 2000 – for other users 2000 ISK

    Interlibrary loan:
    Staff and teachers of the Iceland University of the Arts pay not for interlibrary loans.
    Students pay ISK. 1.000 for photocopies of articles and books from national museums.
    Others pay ISK. 2.000 for photocopies of articles and books from national museums.
    Requests for interlibrary loans are binding and unclaimed requests will be charged.

    Lost Content:
    A borrower who loses a book must pay its value to the library. However, exceptions can be made, which must be evaluated on each basis.
    The same applies to other items in the collection, such as CDs, DVDs and sheet music. If such items are lost, the borrower must pay the cost.

  • Education

    One of the goals of LHÍ's library and information services is to promote information literacy within LHÍ through education and counseling for students, teachers and staff.

    Every school year, LHÍ's library and information service offers presentations and education for new students, but education is also offered for students who are further along in their studies, master's students, teachers and other school employees.

    The purpose of the education is to introduce students to the library and the sources of information, digital and printed, to which it provides access and to teach them how to use them during their university studies. Emphasis is also placed on assessing the quality of information and that students can choose from and use it purposefully.

    You can order counselling by sending mail to

  • Writer / Book an interview

    The LHÍ library has a writing room where LHÍ students are given advice in individual interviews regarding:
    • Documentation
    • Source search
    • Information gathering
    • Zotero (a program that manages sources)
    • Templates and technical issues
    • Turnitin
    • Return to Skemma
    Contact the office by sending mail to or call 545-2217
  • Service to teachers

    LHÍ teachers have a variety of services available in the library:

    • Teachers can make suggestions about titles that should be purchased and are relevant to their fields. Teachers send purchase proposals to programme managers in the relevant department. Programme managers make decisions about book purchases and submit requests to the library.
    • Teachers can ask the library staff to remove material from the collection and/or add titles to the study library. By doing so, all students in the course can be guaranteed access to the relevant titles. It is important that the library receives information about requests for the study library timely. Requests for study libraries can be sent to
    • It is possible to arrange a library employee to come to class with a presentation/teaching in connection the students' projects, and if the teachers themselves want to learn better how to use certain databases, individual lessons are offered.
    • Teachers are asked to provide sources in their course descriptions and that they alert the library about this before the course begins.

    More information about services can be obtained from library employees and/or by sending an inquiry to


  • Main role and objectives

    The Role

    • To give students and staff, as well as others who come to the university, access to diverse material about arts and culture, such as academic books, magazines, visuals, play scripts and note books.
    • To promote the information literacy of students and staff through education, as well as instructing on the use of the library and assisting in the search for information in electronic databases.


    • To build and organize a specialized collection in the academic fields of the school.
    • To operate a modern research and specialist library in the fields of arts.
    • Providing users with easy access to sources inside and outside the library and educating them about the various information channels.
    • To provide specialized information services on art, architecture, design, film, drama, dance, music and art education.
  • History of the library

    The library and information service of the Iceland University of the Arts was established in 1999 when the university was founded. The museum is built on the basis of the library of the Art and Handicraft School and the library of the Icelandic School of Drama. The collection was about 13.000 titles when it was founded, and at first, the library only operated in Skipholt 1 and Sölvhólsgata 13. In 2001, a branch was opened in Laugarnes, and in the years 2001-2016, the library operated in three buildings that homed the university. In 2016, the performing arts and music library moved from the premises at Sölvhólsgata and merged with the museum at Þverholt 11. In the summer of 2024, the library was moved from Þverholt and Laugarnes and combined into one place at Stakkahlíð 1, where it is now housed with all its activities.

Contact us

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Rósa Bjarnadóttir

Elísabet Valdimarsdóttir

María Loftsdóttir

Riina Pauliina Finnsdóttir

Sigurborg Brynja Ólafsdóttir