Creative meditation

as a holistic teaching method

together with a creative meditation guide

The purpose of my master thesis is to encourage the use of creative meditation in general education.
Creative meditation is a process where students are first guided through a meditative journey and then afterwards express their experience creatively. The teaching method belongs in every classroom, on every school level, and can be useful to bring a new point of view to a learning subject.
The master thesis has two parts. Firstly, in my essay I discuss guided imagery and the artisic recreation of the inner experience, the personal growth that takes place through the exercise and the purpose of such practice for students.
Secondly, the purpose of this project is to develop a creative meditation handbook for all teachers, but especially visual arts teachers, to use as a teaching tool and a source of inspiration to guide their students on a meditative journey and afterwards support their students in recreating the experience artisticly in a conversation with their inner wisdom, experiences and memory, through the flow of their imagination


Ásta Sigríður Ólafsdóttir
asta.olafsdottir [at]
Advisor: Guðbjörg R. Jóhannesdóttir​