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International policy

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International cooperation is an important way to create knowledge, builds trust and promotes greater understanding of the international community.

Iceland University of the Arts International Strategy 2020-2025

The policy of the University of the Arts 2019-2023 focuses on enhancing students' skills in order to tackle tasks and challenges in an international and multicultural environment.

International cooperation is an important way to create knowledge, builds trust and promotes greater understanding of the international community. Through international cooperation in a multicultural learning community, the University of the Arts strives to train students to make decisions that are based on facts rather than prejudices. International university cooperation is also an important part of promoting the quality of studies, teaching and research.

International dimension in education

All students should have the opportunity to participate in international cooperation, whether through study stays abroad or the international dimension of their studies at home. Through strategic cooperation with universities abroad, diverse opportunities are created for students through shorter and longer study stays, digital collaboration and international projects in the program. In this way, the University of the Arts strives to create equal access for all students to international cooperation.

Learning environment and support

The University of the Arts is committed to creating a learning environment that supports a diverse student body. Staff and students participate in shaping a learning community where diversity is celebrated, student voices are heard and everyone receives appropriate support. The University of the Arts considers student-centered learning and multicultural teaching methods to be the basis for creating a learning community based on equality and acceptance. It is emphasized that students and staff receive training in cultural sensitivity and that students take an active part in supporting new foreign students. Students receive support for language, but the University of the Arts also emphasizes that communication and information provision is aimed at a diverse group of students.

Strategic cooperation

The University of the Arts' strategic cooperation with foreign partner universities contributes to the development of studies, teaching and research in an international dialogue. Through collaborative projects and staff exchanges, the University of the Arts guarantees opportunities for career development on an international level. The school emphasizes close cooperation in a wide range of disciplines with specific universities. This includes participation in projects on the development of learning and teaching, international research projects, dialogue on quality issues and improved administration, guest teaching and diverse ways of student exchange.