Námskeiðið er kennt á ensku 


What is the reality and how is it designed? The designing of reality is by no means a new idea, but the tools for designing reality at our human disposal are always becoming more and more sophisticated. We will consider the concept of reality in the context of philosophy, religion, art, architecture and design and question our engagement with reality, how different media are being used to represent reality and how to work, play and consumer culture enact different ideas about the nature of reality. This course offers not only an important critical point of view for students of architecture, art and design but is furthermore intended as a source of inspiration for realities still to be designed. In this course, we will delve into the history of ideas, discovering different realities and drawing on these for inspiration and exploration.

Learning outcome: 

  • Have a broader understanding of the concept reality and be able to discuss the concept in critical terms, 
  • have acquired a critical framework for thinking about the designing of reality, creativity and creation, 
  • be able to discuss developments in the history of ideas concerning the design and creation of reality, 
  • have acquired new conceptual tools for thinking about new technologies, such as AR, VR, Social Media etc.

Assessment methods:

Teacher: Marteinn Sindri Jónsson 

Place and time: Þverholt, NN

Teaching period: NN

Teaching language: English

Level: BA

Units: 4 ECTS

Price: 4 units - 49.000 kr (without units) / 61.200 kr (with units)


Verð: 4ra eininga námskeið - 49.000 kr. (án eininga) / 61.200 kr. (með einingum)

Kjósi nemendur að taka námskeið án eininga gefur kennari verkefnum nemenda ekki endurgjöf. Verðmunur ræðst þ.a.l. af auknu vinnuálagi kennara.

Námskeið sem tekin eru án eininga geta þó skráðst, án eininga, á námsferil nemenda.

Umsækjendur eru vinsamlegast beðnir að athuga að vegna COVID-19 þá gæti námskeiðið breyst fyrirvaralítið í fjarkennslu að hluta til eða alveg. 


Further information: Hafdis Harðardóttir department coordinator Design and Architecture, hafdis [at] lhi.is