Artist studio meeting, Katrín Þorvaldsdóttir // Ari Magnússon, MA Curatorial Practice

For over two decades Katrín Thorvaldsdóttir has conducted her own research and experiments to learn how to preserve seaweed as material, to use in art and design. The connection we all have to the ocean as the womb of the natural world has inspired and driven Katrín all her life. Her principle goal is to ensure the research can be passed on to the coming generations to utilize the kelp even further in the future.

Unearthed - Exhibition at the Nordic House

The exhibition Unearthed in the Greenhouse of the Nordic House, curated by Daria Testoedova MA Curatorial Practice student, is an investigation of the area Rauðhólar, located in the Heiðmörk recreational area. This exhibition presents a combination of artistic practice along with geological research. Through the sound installation, the artist aims to reconnect the origin of transplanted soil from Rauðhólar in its new location.

Lungamjúkir skuggar

Lungamjúkir skuggar
Sýningarstjórn: Sunna Dagsdóttir
Listamenn: Victoria Björk, Sindri Dýrason, Sarah Degenhardt, Kamile Pikelyte, Oliver Wellmann, Galadriel Romero, D Rosen & Inari Sandell.
Arnarhlíð 1, 102 Reykjavík
Í Lungamjúkum skuggum kannar Sunna Dagsdóttir leiðir til siðferðilegrar sýningagerðar, m.a. með því að velja verk sem styðja við sjálfbærni, og gaumgæfa samspil mannvera og annarra lífvera og umhverfis þeirra.

Og svo henti lítið atvik // And then a little something occurred

Velkomin á opnun sýningarinnar Og svo henti lítið atvik
16. Apríl 14 - 17.
Sunnudaginn 16. apríl kl. 14 opnar sýningin Og svo henti lítið atvik á Byggðasafninu í Görðum á Akranesi. Sýningin er útskriftarsýning Söru Hjördísar Blöndal meistaranema í sýningargerð við Listaháskóla Íslands.

History Shapes

Welcome to the opening of the group exhibition History Shapes

15 April 2 - 5 pm.

Opening performance with violinist Vera Panitch and performance artist Michael Richardt at 2.25 pm.

”As the door unlocks, a new world opens in front and inside of us. We may have passed the building many times before and pondered what lies behind (and beneath) the sleeping walls. Cautiously, we step inside.” From the exhibition text.